The Department of Trade and Industry´s (DTI) Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC) in Mexico, with support from the Philippine Embassy in Mexico, together with COMCE, the Mexican Business Council of Foreign Trade, Investment, and Technology recently discussed Philippine business opportunities in an organized roundtable on Philippine Business Opportunities in Mexico.

Participated in by over 30 Mexican businessmen from the logistics, autoparts manufacturing, business development, and agro-food products sectors, the event highlighted opportunities for trade and investments between the Philippines and Mexico.

Ambassador Eduardo Jose A. De Vega graced the event by highlighting the history of Mexico-Philippine trade relations and the importance of the current activities of the Philippine government to reactivate them.

Meanwhile, the Embassy´s Commercial Counselor and head of PTIC Mexico, DTI´s Vichael Angelo D. Roaring, presented current bilateral trade relation between the two countries and the opportunities, advantages, incentives and the optimum environment that the Philippines has developed to become a competitive destination for foreign investments and a source of exports of quality products.

“The Philippines continues to be a strategic business location in the Asia-Pacific region, being not only a 100 million market but as a gateway for over 500 million market of the ASEAN,” highlighted Roaring.

Juan Pablo Garcia, Director of Corporate Affairs of CEMEX, gave a testimonial and a case study of CEMEX´s experience of setting up and doing business in the Philippines. With CEMEX’ presence in more than 50 countries, Garcia cited the Philippines as one of its best places for doing business for its manpower and enabling business environment. Garcia also pointed out CEMEX´s plans to venture in the low-cost housing sector in the Philippines, a preferred business sector of the DTI’s Board of Investments 2017 Investment Priorities Plan (IPP).

Jorge Barbosa of ProMexico, a trade promotion agency of Mexico, presented opportunities that Mexico offers to the Philippines in terms of investment, as well as the potential of the Philippine market for Mexican companies in the fields of processed food, beverages, frozen fruits and vegetables, auto parts, home appliances and creative industries, and the potential for investments in ports, infrastructure, auto parts, call centers and entertainment industries.

Also present to discuss the strengthening relations between the Philippines and Mexico are Ambassador Enrique Michel Santibáñez, former Ambassador of Mexico in the Philippines, and current COMCE president for the ASEAN; and Alberto Varelo of AMEXCID, a Mexican government agency for International Development Cooperation. On the other hand, Philippine Embassy Vice Consul Mikhail de Dios discussed cultural ties of the two countries.

The event served as an avenue for networking between Mexican businessmen and Philippine officials. PTIC Mexico held one-on-one consultations with the participants to work on their specific business interests with the Philippines.