The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Rizal through DTI Competitiveness Bureau’s Business Name Registration Division successfully conducted the yearly session of Business Name Registration Retooling on December 20, 2023 entitled, “Nurturing Capability-Building Capacity Strategies for Rizal Business Counselors (NCBCS for Rizal BCs)” with the topic Procedural Guidelines on Business Name Registration and updates on DAO 18-07 held at Blue Acacia Events Place, Antipolo City, Rizal.
The training was attended by Business Counselors from various municipalities in Rizal and LGU (Local Government Unit) counterpart, Sharon Fojas-Dioco, Chief of Business Development Division on behalf of OIC Provincial Director of DTI Cleotilde Duran, give thanks to LGU counterparts for continuous support to DTI Rizal, she believes that the ability of Business Counselors and LGU Counterpart will continue to enhance, upskills, upscale and upgrade for the new sharing. She encouraged each LGU to share best practices done in the municipality. She mentioned also the new program of Creative Industry which is “FiestaKucha” Philippine Regional Creative Festivals which is the platform for the celebration, promotion and enhancement of the diversity of the talent and creativity in the municipalities and provinces. She emphasized also the BN campaign OPLAN BN1M wherein its aim to reach for 1 Million total Business Name Registration for this year.
Moving on the discussion, Mr. Theoffer Ian Empis, Business Name Registration Division (BNRD) discussed the objective and General process Information such as updates on Business Name, terms/definitions/acronyms, Classification of process and Process flow on online registration and walk-in. Afterwards, Mr. Empis, accommodated and answered questions raised by the participants who listened attentively and actively from the discussion.
Ms. Jennifer I. Fernandez discussed the new updates on BNRS. She emphasized the need of email address in BN registration for OTP purpose before one can proceed to the registration. Further clarifications and other concerns related to the topic discussed question and answer portion were then executed
Business Counselor Grace Masilogan of Negosyo Center Rodriguez, the host of the program facilitated in sharing of best practices in the municipalities of Rizal. Each LGU representative gracefully participated and shared their best practices. After the session, Ms. Grace presented the certificate of appreciation to the resource speaker followed by a closing message by STIDS Marlene De Luna. The program ended at 3:00 in the afternoon. ♦
Date of release: 8 January 2024