The DTI Logo

The Corporate Logo

The logo of the Department of Trade & Industry symbolizes the vision and values of the DTI team.

About our Logo

The simple yet bold and clear logotype signifies a willingness and ability to take proactive measures and clearly defined approaches to achieve measurable results that will create an impact on consumers and businesses, notably small and medium enterprises in the countryside.

The neat typeface connotes stability. The connected letters (dti) stand for a unified team working as one with all instrumentalities of the government and the private sector to build a strong nation that is one in purpose and aspiration.

The Philippine map within the dot of the letter ‘i’ signifies a country with a strong presence in the global marketplace.

The colors represent the Philippine flag: red for moral courage and strength of vision, and blue for integrity and loyalty to country.

Other information

The DTI logo is for the official use of the Department of Trade and Industry. Use therefore shall be subject to applicable rules and regulations.

Logo Use by Non-DTI Entities

Organizations who wish to use the DTI Logo may do so but must first seek approval through its partner DTI Bureau/Office The following information must also be provided:

– Organization profile
– Nature and purpose of the activity where the DTI Logo will be used
– Duration of use; and
– Prototype of the proposed use.

The approval granted shall be exclusive to the proposed activity. Such approval shall not be extended to any other parties. Authorization to use the DTI logo does not confer on those to whom it is granted any right of exclusive use, nor does it allow them to appropriate the Logo either by registration or any other means.

You may download the Corporate Identity Manual for more information.

For further inquires, you may contact Communications and Information Service at or through telephone number (+632) 7791.3238.