The purpose of the Department of Trade and Industry’s (DTI) Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual is to guide the public in requesting for information from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as prescribed under Executive Order (EO) No. 2 (s. 2016).
Policy Statement 
In line with the constitutional mandate upholding the right to freedom of information and implementation of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest, the DTI is committed to release information to the public involving public interest, subject to limitations as provided by the Constitution, applicable laws, rules, regulations and procedures, such as Republic Act (RA) No. 10173, otherwise known as the “Data Privacy Act,” and the List of Exceptions approved by the Office of the President, among others.
Procedure for Filing FOI Request:
  1. Requesting party should fill out, and submit the FOI Request Form to the nearest DTI office.
  2. Upon receipt, the DTI has to stamp the form, including the date and time of request.
  3. A response is expected within fifteen (15) working days following date of receipt of the request. Working days are those other than Saturday, Sunday, or a day declared a national holiday in the Philippines.
  4. If the requested information require further details to identify or locate, the fifteen (15) working days start the day after it gets the required clarification from the requesting party. In such cases, the requesting party shall be informed by the DTI.


FOI Request Flow Chart shows the processes of requesting for information from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016).


FOI Receiving Officers
The DTI Central Office and Regional Offices have their respective FOI Receiving Officers (FROs) and FOI Decision Makers (FDMs).
The designated FOI Receiving Officer (FRO) at the Central Office is the Public Assistance Desk (PAD) Officer of the Day, with the following address:


The Public Assistance Desk (PAD)
Ground Floor, Trade and Industry Building
361 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City
The FRO performs the following duties:
  • Receive on behalf of DTI all requests for information and facilitate such requests;
  • Ensure that the FOI request form is completely accomplished;
  • Provide assistance and support with regard to FOI;
  • Process all requests and forward to the concerned office (within and outside DTI) as may be appropriate; and
  • Provide assistance in ensuring all requests are responded to within the prescribed time.
Requests may be made through the following:
  • Bring the filled-out FOI Request Form to the nearest DTI office.
  • Download the FOI Request Form, fill out, and send to
  • Persons with disabilities (PWD) or illiteracy may make an oral request to the concerned FRO, which the FRO will put into writing, for signing by the concerned party.
Request for Extension of Time
If the information requested requires extensive search of the government’s office records facilities, examination of voluminous records, the occurrence of fortuitous events or other analogous cases, the requesting party shall be informed by the DTI.
The requesting party shall be informed of the extension, setting forth the reasons for such extension. In no case shall the extension exceed twenty (20) working days on top of the mandated fifteen (15) working days to act on the request, unless exceptional circumstances warrant a longer period.
The requesting party shall not be charged with any fee for submitting requests for access to information.
Infographic on the Philippines' Freedom of Information Program, detailing electronic and standard request processes.Infographic on the Philippines' Freedom of Information Program, detailing electronic and standard request processes.
Agency Information Inventory
Compliance with AO 25 Task Force Requirements
The Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) has issued the Department a Certificate of Compliance on May 16,2019 for being fully compliant with Memorandum Circular No. 2018-1, Sections 5.1a and 6.5b.
  1. View the Certificates of Compliance: 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
    1. Certification of No Pending FOI Requests 2024
  2. View the FOI Reports: 2020 | 2021 2022 | 2023 | 2024
    • FOI Inventory
    • FOI Registry
    • FOI Summary
  3. View the FOI Receiving Officers Directory
Data Privacy Policy
We are committed to ensure privacy of personal information. Please view our privacy policy here.

FOI Manuals of DTI Attached Agencies: