Green Growth Cooperation


Funded by Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Green Growth Cooperation (2015-2017) seeks to formalize a framework of cooperation and facilitate collaboration between GGGI and DTI to promote programs, research, and joint activities in support of capacity building and development of green economic growth options to strengthen the business case for greening the MSME sector and boost its contribution to the national economy.

The following areas of cooperation are: 1) Business Case Preparation, 2) Mainstreaming Green Growth in the Planning Process, and 3) Capacity Building for DTI Green Growth Advocates.




  • Organized the GGGI Meeting on the progress of the project, particularly the component on Mainstreaming Green Growth in the DTI Planning Process; and the follow-up meeting between DTI Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau (FTEB) and GGGI on the proposed collaboration initiatives.


  • Coordinated with DTI Planning and Management Service (PMS) and GGGI on the list of tasks and activities identified by Assistant Secretary Jean Pacheco during the meeting held on 25 January 2019 in support of mainstreaming green growth within DTI.
  • Coordinated with DTI National Capital Region Office (NCRO) and GGGI on the facilitation and completion of the Shared Service Facilities (SSF) Appraisal Questionnaire by Caritas and Philippine Footwear Federation, Inc. (PFFI) as part of the initiative on greening the DTI SSF Program.


  • Conducted Consultation Meeting with GGGI Mr. Rhoel Bernardo to discuss the RGMS’ Green Breakthrough Goal


  • Arranged and attended the courtesy meeting between GGGI and DTI Undersecretary Zenaida Maglaya and DTI FTEB Director Ronnel Abrenica
  • Coordinated with GGGI on the proposed Courtesy Meeting of Mr. Juhern Kim, new GGGI Country Representative, with select DTI officials.
  • Ongoing coordination with PMS on the draft Department Order (DO) proposing for the Creation of the Green Growth Group.


  • Provided assistance to GGGI on their proposed courtesy meeting between Secretary Ramon M. Lopez and Deputy Director General Jenny Kim on the seminar on off-grid renewable energy that was held on 17 July.


  • Provided assistance to GGGI in the conduct of an organizational meeting in preparation for Korea International Cooperation Agency’s (KOICA) appraisal/survey mission on their proposal on “Climate Resilient and Inclusive Green Growth for Poor Rural Communities: Accelerating Green Growth in the Agriculture Value Chain of the MIMAROPA Region”.

September – December

RGMS coordinated with the GGGI regarding their submission of the proposal to KOICA on “Climate Resilient and Inclusive Green Growth for Poor Rural Communities: Accelerating Implementation in the Agriculture Value Chain” which is currently under review. The overall objective of the proposed project is to mainstream climate resilience and inclusive green growth in the agricultural sector of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. RGMS, likewise, requested from GGGI the link to the Carbon Footprint Calculator and the final Training Needs Assessment Report of the project.


DTI Consultative Meeting on Mainstreaming Green Growth

This project is handled by DTI-Regional Operations group (ROG), DTI-Corporate Planning Service (CorPlan), and DTI-Human Resource and Administrative Service (HRAS).

  • Coordinated the meeting between DTI Planning and Management Service (PMS) and Information Systems Management Service (ISMS) and GGGI-hired consultants on 20 Feb 2018 which was conducted to update DTI of the mainstreaming work and the development of the carbon calculator. The consultant will develop two (2) carbon calculators: (i) individual and (ii) organizational level.
  • Coordinated and attended the meeting between DTI Human Resource and Administrative Service (HRAS) and GGGI on the project’s Area of Cooperation 3 – Capacity Development for DTI Green Growth Advocates. Ms. Rita Pilarca presented her preliminary rapid analysis of DTI’s Capacity Development Agenda and solicited inputs from HRAS and PMS. The group agreed that a stand-alone program (independent of the DTI Academy) will be pursued and that a series of training will be conducted.
  • BSMED met with GGGI’s Ms. Bulgan Tsevegjav on 27 March 2018 and discussed the possible next steps for the project’s Area of Cooperation 1 – Business Case Study for Greening the MSME Operations. The business case booklet was completed late last year (2017) and has yet to be formally launched.
  • Coordinated and attended the Inter-agency Consultation on the Development of the DTI Carbon Footprint Calculator which was held on 19 April 2018. The consultation sought to discuss and solicit inputs from the concerned stakeholders on the current methodology and practices adopted by the government in terms of computing for GHG emissions from energy, transportation and food and consumptions sectors which would then inform the development of the Carbon Footprint Calculators.

  • Facilitated the dissemination of Rapid Assessment Questionnaires on DTI Green Growth Learning Needs and Directions to selected DTI bureaus/offices.
  • Coordinated GGGI’s meeting request on the following: Proposed consultation meeting with DTI to discuss the concept note on Climate Smart Industries and Services which they hope to implement with GIZ under a country-specific programme; and Presentation of the beta version of the DTI Carbon Footprint Calculator.
  • Capacity development needs on green growth of selected DTI bureaus and offices identified as part of the DTI Green Growth Learning Needs and Directions study.
  • DTI Carbon Footprint Calculator developed. The beta version of this web-based application was presented to DTI in 16 July 2018.

  • Conducted site visit to the SSF in CITE Marikina (footwear) on July 27 for the proposed technical assistance to “green” the DTI SSF Program.
  • Conducted DTI-GGGI meeting to align both parties’ policy and guidelines on the “visual identity” of the Carbon Footprint Calculator
  • Conducted Green Growth 101 Session with the DTI Project Dalubhasa participants on 02 October 2018


  • Conducted DTI-GGGI Meeting: Progress Updates and Next Steps on 24 October 2018.
  • Conducted SSF Appraisal Visit to UP College of Fine Arts – Fabrication Laboratory on 06 November 2018. The visit aimed to gather data on the facility’s electricity and water consumption and solid waste management processes and recommend thereof greening practices that the facility can adopt.

  • Conducted SSF Appraisal Visits to Caritas on 06 Nov 2018 and PFFI on 14 Nov 2018.

  • Coordinated and participated in GGGI’s Culminating Activity held on 11 Dec 2018 wherein GGGI presented to their government partners the project accomplishments and ways forward of the following: Climate Resilient Green Growth (CRGG) Project, Technical Support to the Operationalization of the People’s Survival Fund (PSF) and Mainstreaming Green Growth in Development Planning Project. In attendance were representatives from DTI Regional Operations Group (ROG), Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprise (BSMED), PMS and RGMS.

  • Coordinated the meeting between Dir. Lydia Guevarra (DTI-RGMS) and GGGI to discuss the proposed site visits in Cebu and Bacolod and GGGI’s Private Sector Engagement Plan. Dir. Lydia Guevarra shared about Asec. Rafaelita Aldaba’s (DTI-IDTPG) interest to tap GGGI to support the continuing of work on greening the industry roadmaps.
  • Coordinated and attended the meeting between GGGI and Assistant Secretary Rafaelita Aldaba to discuss possible collaboration of DTI’s Greening the Industry Roadmaps and GGGI’s Private Sector Engagement Plan. Asec. Aldaba particularly requested the technical support of GGGI in the continuation of the initiative in greening the industry roadmaps crafting of guidelines for evaluation and grant of energy-efficient projects that will be submitted by manufacturing firms availing of BOI incentives, technical skills training to enable BOI staff to evaluate these projects i.e. cost-benefit analysis of manufacturing companies that are shifting to energy-efficient technologies, economic and environment indicators to use, and the criteria to be used for approving/disapproving a project applying for BOI incentives.
  • Assisted GGGI and Asia Society for Social Improvement and Social Transformation (ASSIST) in the conduct of the site visits, consultations and key informant interviews (KIIs) in Cebu and Bacolod held from 07-10 Feb 2017. ASSIST also had a site visit in Fresh Start (organic and natural store) in Bacolod. Selected officials and staff of DTI Bacolod together with a representative from Fresh Start have also gathered for the consultation meeting where ASSIST presented the preliminary findings from the site visit to foster discussion on the enhancement of the case study.

  • Coordinated the meeting between GGGI and DTI- Human Resources and Administrative Service (HRAS) with Director Joel Cruz (DTI-HRAS) and Director Lydia Guevarra (DTI-RGMS) to present the results of the KIIs conducted in Cebu and Bacolod and to solicit comments to enhance the capacity-development activity design and Capacity Needs Assessment tool. Dir. Guevarra and Dir. Cruz, upon finding that the proposed orientation cum workshop will take 4 days, suggested to separate the session for orientation and for stocktaking workshop re mainstreaming green growth
  • Coordinated 2 separate interview requests of GGGI with DTI: (i) Independent Interview and (ii) Danish Appraisal Interview. These evaluation exercises sought to understand the DTI-GGGI areas of collaboration – its background, progress, potential outcomes and how the initiatives contribute or are making an impact to DTI and the country.
  • Attended the follow-up meeting between Asec. Rafaelita Aldaba and GGGI where they discussed in detail the skills requirements for the proposed BOI Capacity Building on CLIMA Project Appraisal.
  • Updated the Department Order on the Creation of a Management Committee for Green Growth Cooperation and endorsed it to the Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprise Development (BSMED, Corporate Planning Service (CorPlan) and Human Resources and Administrative Services (HRAS) for assessment.
  • Joined BSMED and GGGI in the conduct of field scoping mission in Roxas, Palawan where selected MSMEs were interviewed about their business operations. The Evaluation Team recommended thereof relevant greening practices the MSMEs may adopt.

  • Facilitated the submission to GGGI of the application documents of DTI nominees to the Seminar on Climate Change and Green Low-Carbon Development in China.
  • Assisted Planning and Management Services (PMS) in soliciting inputs from Information Systems Management Service (ISMS) Director Laudemer Solidum regarding the terms of reference (TOR) for the development of the carbon calculator specifically on the programming language that will be used and the applicable database.
  • Coordinated the courtesy meeting which was held last 20 November between DTI and GGGI headquarter officials namely: Mr. Per Bertillson, Assistant Director-General and Head of Green Growth Planning and Implementation; Ms. Jin Young Kim, OIC-Head of Programs for Asia and the Pacific; and, Mr. Suki Atwal, Principal Green Finance Specialist on 20 November 2017.

  • Introduced to Director Joel Cruz and Miss Hedy Alcanices of HRAS the newly-hired Institutional Development (ID) Specialist for DTI-GGGI Area of Collaboration 3 – Capacity Development for DTI Green Growth Advocates.



* Conducted situational analysis on the readiness of going green of SMEs in food manufacturing sector

* Facilitated preparation of the Terms of Reference (TOR) on the conduct of Case Study on Green SME Best Practices in the Philippines. The study will focus on cacao, coffee, and processed fruits and nuts sectors. A preparatory meeting with ASSIST Asia, the contractor hired to prepare the business case, was conducted to finalize deliverables and agree on next steps.

* Prepared Department Order (DO) on the creation of a Management Committee on Green Growth Cooperation

* Coordinated with GGGI Team and CorPlan to identify and agree on the key activities that DTI and GGGI have to undertake throughout the year

* DTI-Resource Generation and Management Service (RGMS) Dir. Lydia R. Guevarra represented DTI in the Global Green Growth Week held in Jeju Island, South Korea from 05-09 September 2016. Dir. Guevarra was one of the speakers in the Philippine Country Session entitled “Investing in Climate Resilient Green Growth in the Philippines” together with officials from the Climate Change Commission (CCC) and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). She presented DTI’s various initiatives on green economic development.

* Organized, in partnership with GGGI and CorPlan, a Consultative Management Workshop for the Green Cooperation Framework on 30 September 2016 at the Makati Diamond Residences, Makati City. The workshop aimed at identifying key steps on how to go about mainstreaming green growth in the Department’s planning process.

* Conducted meeting with GGGI on 11 October 2016 to discuss the business case study and agree on the way forward. The group agreed that the focus sectors are: coffee, cacao, pili nuts, and processed fruit (banana). Also, from the initial 7 firms, each sector will have 3 representative firms totaling to 12 firms to reflect all analysis for LMH intervention with low as zero/low cost greening practices and so on.

* Attended the GGGI Project Progress and Plan Review Meeting held on 06 December 2016 where ASSIST presented the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Framework and methodology that ASSIST will carry out relative to data collection. Ms. Joyce Gonzaga was hired as consultant for the 2nd component of the project i.e. mainstreaming green growth in the DTI Planning Process. Among the outputs expected from the consultant are: detailed work plan of activities, stakeholders mapping report, situational analysis of the DTI Planning Process and roadmap development, guidelines methodology for Green Growth mainstreaming, and M&E system.