The Philippine Constitution laid down the basis for the basic human right of privacy in information. Republic Act (RA) 10173, or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), enforces data privacy protection in the Philippines to ensure transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality in data collection and processing.
This law serves the following purposes:
1. It protects the privacy of individuals while making sure of free flow of information to promote innovation and growth;
2. It regulates the collection, recording, organization, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, consultation, use, consolidation, blocking, erasure or destruction of personal data;
3. It makes sure that the Philippines is compliant with international standards set for data protection through the National Privacy Commission (NPC).
The Department fully supports the DPA and shall endeavor to comply with all issuances from the National Privacy Commission (NPC), guided by the principles of conscientious use and proactive protection of personal data and information.
The Department acknowledges the important role of data and information in fulfilling its mandate. Specifically, it would balance the use of information to achieve the following goals while protecting the data privacy rights of its stakeholders:
· Sustain a stable and conducive business climate;
· Uphold consumer rights; and
· Support the growth and development of its people.
In compliance with the provisions under the DPA, Department Order No. 24-142 was issued, designating the Assistant Secretary and Supervising Head of the Management Services Group as the DTI’s Data Protection Officer (DPO).
For further information regarding data privacy in DTI, please contact the designated DPO through the following office:
Office of the Assistant Secretary for the Management Services Group (OASMSG)
9/F 387 Filinvest Building
Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City
Where can Data Privacy complaints against a business entity be filed? Data Privacy complaints shall first be raised with the business entity concerned; only in the event that a complaint is still not resolved, shall the data subject proceed to file a complaint to the National Privacy Commission.
Who is the DPO of the DTI? The DTI Secretary has designated the Assistant Secretary and Supervising Head of the Management Services Group as the DPO of the DTI. The designated DPO is accountable for the agency’s compliance with the Data Privacy Act, whose roles includes ensuring process owners and data subjects are informed of their rights and obligations and advocating for personal data protection within the organization.
Where can I make inquiries on Data Privacy concerns? For inquiries and concerns regarding the Department’s implementation of data privacy, please email