Department Administrative Order No. 21-02

Department Administrative Order No. 21-02In the Matter of the Definitive General Safeguard Measures on the Importation of Cement From Various Countries Date of Issuance – March 3, 2021 Download Now!

Memorandum Circular No. 21-06

Memorandum Circular No. 21-06Implementation of Financing and Brokering Under Republic Act No. 10697 Otherwise Known as Strategic Trade Management Act. Date of Issuance – 28 January 2021 Download Now!

Department Administrative Order No. 20-11, s. 2020

Department Administrative Order No. 20-11, s. 2020In the Matter of the Preliminary Determination of the Safeguard Measures Case on the Importation of Motor Vehicles From Various Countries Date of Issuance – 29 December 2020 Download Now!

Memorandum Circular No. 20-27

Memorandum Circular No. 20-27Guideline On The Temporary Suspension Of Administrative Penalty Under The Strategic Management Act In Light Of The COVID Pandemic Date of Issuance – 2020 Download Now!