Successful Profiling of Coconut Farmers at Barangay Madilay-dilay, Tanay, Rizal

Successful profiling of coconut farmers at Barangay Madilay-dilay, Tanay, Rizal

On December 14, 2022, Trade and Industry Development Specialist Noralyn SJ. Halimao and Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan (CFIDP)-Rizal Project Coordinator Jerome M. Montealegre, together with Mr. Allan George Gutierrez, Agriculturist from the Philippine Coconut Authority, successfully profiled 126 coconut farmers. This activity is a prelude to their registration at the National Coconut Farmers continue reading : Successful profiling of coconut farmers at Barangay Madilay-dilay, Tanay, Rizal

DTI Quezon together with CFIDP beneficiaries in Candelaria, Quezon

DTI Quezon in partnership with PCA- Quezon and LGU Calauag, Lopez, Dolores, Tiaong, San Antonio, Candelaria, and Sariaya conducts CFIDP Profiling Activities

The Livelihood Seeding Program—Negosyo Serbisyo sa Barangay is a program of the DTI that allows a wider reach of business development assistance by bringing government services closer to the people through partnerships between relevant local government units and DTI officials. The initiative also intends to support and maintain the DTI’s advocacy for our nation’s successful continue reading : DTI Quezon in partnership with PCA- Quezon and LGU Calauag, Lopez, Dolores, Tiaong, San Antonio, Candelaria, and Sariaya conducts CFIDP Profiling Activities