DTI’s RAPID Growth Program team gathering

DTI gathers project team and partners for the midterm implementation of RAPID Program

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) gathered its project teams and partners for the midterm implementation of its Rural Agro-Enterprise Partnership for Inclusive Development and Growth (RAPID Growth) Project. Gathered in General Santos City are around 60 members of DTI’s project implementing team together with its project partners to elicit recommendations and review the continue reading : DTI gathers project team and partners for the midterm implementation of RAPID Program

DTI helps Davao scale up tech-enabled biz startups

DAVAO CITY – The Department of Trade and Industry-Export Marketing Bureau (DTI-EMB), in coordination with the global group Startup Genome and DTI 11, recently presented the Startup Genome’s Global Startup Ecosystem Report (GSER) 2018 in a bid to scaleup technology-enabled business startups in the region. The said report showcased the ecosystem performance and success factors continue reading : DTI helps Davao scale up tech-enabled biz startups