Opening Remarks of Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, Inquiry on Increases in Basic Commodities and Food Prices for the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Food, and Agrarian Reform

1 February 2021 at 9:00 a.m. via Webex Cisco Good morning to the Committee Chair, Senator Cynthia Villar, and the honorable members of this committee and the senate, Secretary William Dar, fellow workers in government as well as the other attendees. We would like to thank you for this opportunity to brief you on the continue reading : Opening Remarks of Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, Inquiry on Increases in Basic Commodities and Food Prices for the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Food, and Agrarian Reform

Prices of basic necessities and prime commodities in Caraga within SRP

For the first quarter of 2019, DTI Caraga regularly monitored 240 leading establishments on price trending with reference to the Suggested Retail Price (SRP) for the Basic Necessities and Prime Commodities. All 219 establishments are compliant and some even sells below the SRP issued on 5 December 2018 and the latest 13 February 2019. Monitoring continue reading : Prices of basic necessities and prime commodities in Caraga within SRP