Official poster of the PH-EFTA FTA webinar on September 2021

Philippine exporters urged to look into EFTA countries

Local exporters and MSMEs can receive expert guidance on how to take full advantage of the Philippines-EFTA free trade agreement (PH-EFTA FTA) to break into and expand their existing operations in Europe in an upcoming webinar organized by the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Agriculture on September 28, 2021.

Message of Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, Usapang Exports: SIPPO Webinar

2 December 2020 via Zoom Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon to our exporters in the Philippines attending the Usapang Exports for National Exporters Week. Good morning also to the Consultants for the Swiss Import Promotions Programme (SIPPO) who are virtually here with us. We hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. continue reading : Message of Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, Usapang Exports: SIPPO Webinar

Photo by H. Emre from

Trade Opportunities that bind the Philippines and Switzerland

Sitting right in the middle of Europe just beside France, Switzerland is known for its lakes, villages, and the cold peaks of the Alps. While being more famously recognized for its chocolate and yodeling, Switzerland is known in the global trade as the world’s gold hub as Swiss refineries process 70% of the unrefined gold mined in the world each year. To emphasize this huge sector, the Swiss gold business is worth US$70-90 Billion depending on the year. The Philippines has taken advantage of this opportunity with unwrought gold being its top export product to the country in 2019.

DTI-EMB Director Senen M. Perlada and Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to the Philippines Alain Gaschen sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to implement study of select PH export products entering the EFTA market.

EFTA market study aims to increase trade with Philippines

15 September 2020 | To strengthen Philippine trade with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Switzerland in particular, the Department of Industry-Export Marketing Bureau (DTI-EMB) and the Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) are conducting a market study on three key export products of the Philippines: Processed Food, Natural Ingredients, and Natural Fiber & Textiles.