18 December 2020 via Zoom [Acknowledgements] Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon! We are pleased to see representatives from government and the academe here at the “Makers Without Borders” webinar. Today, we shall witness the launching of three national initiatives enabled by the partnership between the Philippine and the US Governments centering on our continue reading : Makers Without Borders Webinar
DTI’s SSF LIKHA Fab Lab makes face shields for frontline workers
As the number of Covid-19 cases increases in the country, there is also an increasingly growing concern about the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) for our frontline workers.
Thus, the Labspace for Innovation, Knowledge-Honing and Application (LIKHA) Fab Lab of the Batangas State University (BatStateU), together with the Department of Trade and Industry Region 4A, is manufacturing face shields using 3D printed face bands and acetate films for our health workers as communities from makers and fab labs in and outside the Philippines are collaborating for this endeavor.