The Government Procurement Reform Act (RA No.9184) and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations mandate the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to certify domestic bidders who claim preference in government procurement.

Focusing on Rule XII Section 43 of the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9184, consistent with the Government of the Philippines (GoP)’s obligations under international treaties or agreements, goods may be obtained from domestic or foreign sources. A procuring entity may give preference to the purchase of domestically produced and manufactured goods, supplies, and materials.

In order to implement said statutory requirement, DTI issued Department Order Np. 19-01 Series 2019. As prescribed under Executive Order 292 Administrative Code of 1987, the DAO will take effect fifteen (15) days from the date of filing to the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) and publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general nationwide circulation.

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