We would like to invite you or your representative to cover the Moving Forward Ceremony of the MaaS Project (Mobility as a System Project). This will be tomorrow, 30 October 2018, Tuesday, from 8:30AM to 1:00PM at the Club Intramuros, Bonifacio Drive, Manila.

Trade Undersecretary for Industry Development Ceferino Rodolfo will lead the event along with other relevant officials and stakeholders.

The Maas Project, an initiative between the DTI/BOI and NEDO, and is being implemented through Japanese IT firm Softbank, involves the introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) and necessary technologies for EV utilization and to promote the dissemination of EV in the Philippines through the demonstration of the system.

The demonstration project was carried out in Intramuros from October 2016 up to September 2018.

To celebrate the success of the two-year project and its continuing operations in Intramuros, a Moving Forward Ceremony will be held. The event will showcase the accomplishments of the project, including jobs generated and how it became the preferred means of transportation within Intramuros.

For confirmation of your attendance or should you have further clarifications/comments on the event, kindly get in touch with us through the contact details below.

Thank you very much and see you!

For more information, please see the working program below: