What:Press Conference for the Results of the Doing Business 2020 Report – World Bank Group
When:24 October 2019, Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 n.n.
Where:Meeting Room 1, PICC, Pasay City
Who:DTI Secretary Ramon M. Lopez
ARTA Director-General Jeremiah B. Belgica
Why:The Press Conference will announce the results of the Doing Business 2020 Report of the World Bank Group. In 2019, the Philippines ranked 124th out of 190 economies with an EODB score of 57.68. For the DB 2020 cycle, the Philippine Government submitted to the World Bank a total of 53 reforms/data correction requests.

The reforms submitted were initiatives undertaken by the various government agencies in partnership with the private sector on the following areas of business:

  • Starting a business – Procedures, time, cost, and minimum capital to open a new business
  • Dealing with construction permits – Procedures, time, and cost to build a warehouse
  • Getting electricity – procedures, time, and cost required for a business to obtain a permanent electricity connection for a newly constructed warehouse
  • Registering property – Procedures, time, and cost to register commercial real estate
  • Getting credit – Strength of legal rights index, depth of credit information index
  • Protecting investors – Indices on the extent of disclosure, extent of director liability, and ease of shareholder suits
  • Paying taxes – Number of taxes paid, hours per year spent preparing tax returns, and total tax payable as share of gross profit
  • Trading across borders – Number of documents, cost, and time necessary to export and import
  • Enforcing contracts – Procedures, time, and cost to enforce a debt contract
  • Resolving insolvency – The time, cost, and recovery rate (%) under bankruptcy proceedings
How:To confirm your attendance and inquire for details, please reply to this email (OACIG@dti.gov.ph) or contact Mr. Faisah Dela Rosa of the DTI –Competitiveness and Innovation Group at 09171282327 or Ms. January Leron of the DTI – Public Relations Unit at 09177956776.

We hope to see you at the Press Con and request you to confirm your attendance on or before 5:00 PM, October 23, 2019. Please include the names of your crew and vehicle plate number. Thank you for your usual cooperation.

Please visit the following website and social media pages for updates:
Official website: www.dti.gov.ph
DTI Official FB Page: DTI Philippines