01 FEBRUARY 2017

In view of the Declaration of a State of Calamity in Butuan City per SP Resolution No. 078-2017 dated January 31, 2017, and pursuant to Section 6 of the Price Act of the Philippines (RA 7581) as amended, all concerned are hereby informed that prices of basic necessities are automatically frozen at their prevailing prices, which shall be the average price of the basic necessity within a month from the occurrence of the state of calamity.

Under RA 7581 as amended, basic necessities include the following: rice; corn; bread; fresh, dried and canned fish and other marine products; fresh pork; beef and poultry meat; fresh eggs; fresh and processed milk; fresh vegetables; root crops; coffee; sugar; cooking oil; salt; laundry soap; detergents; firewood; charcoal; candles; drugs classified as essential by the Department of Health; potable water in bottles and containers; fresh fruits; locally manufactured instant noodles; household Iiquefied petroleum gas (LPG); and kerosene.

Unless sooner lifted, the price freeze under RA 7581 shall remain effective for the duration of the condition that brought it about but not for more than 60 days, provided that for household LPG and kerosene the duration shall be not more than 15 days.

All concerned are warned that violators shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment for a period of one year to ten years, or a fine ranging from P5,000.00 to P1,000,000.00 or both, at the discretion of the court aside from applicable administrative penalties. 

Provincial Director

12 FEBRUARY 2017

ln view of the Declaration of a State of Calamity in Surigao City per SP Resolution No. 23-2017 dated February 11, 2017,and pursuant to Section 6 of the Price Act of the Philippines (RA 7581) as amended, all concerned are hereby informed that prices of basic necessities are automatically frozen at their prevailing prices, which shall be the average price of the basic necessity within a month from the occurrence of the state of calamity.

Under RA 7581 as amended, basic necessities include the following: rice; corn; bread; fresh, dried and canned fish and other marine products; fresh pork; beef and poultry meat; fresh eggs; fresh and processed milk; fresh vegetables; root crops; coffee; sugar; cooking oil; salt; laundry soap; detergents; firewood; charcoal; candles; drugs classified as essential by the Department of Health; potable water in bottles and containers; fresh fruits; locally manufactured instant noodles; household liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); and kerosene.

Unless sooner lifted, the price freeze under RA 7581 shall remain effective for the duration of the condition that brought it about but not for more than 60 days, provided that for household LPG and kerosene the duration shall not be more than 15 days. All concerned are warned that violators shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment for a period of one year to ten years, or a fine ranging from P5,000.00 to P1,000,000.00 or both, at the discretion of the court aside from applicable administrative penalties.

DTI-Surigao del Norte

Price ceiling for basic necessities within areas under State of Calamity