DTI Sec. Lopez and CPG Usec. Castelo inspecting prices of products in a grocery

On 28 March 2020, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) issued Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 20-09 entitled, Pagpapahalaga sa mga Senior Citizens, heeding to the call of the elderly to be given priority when purchasing basic necessities and other essentials in retail stores and other similar establishments.

DTI recognizes that the senior citizens are among those who are highly vulnerable to contract the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). It is for this reason that the National Government strongly encourages senior citizens to stay home.

However, the Department also acknowledges that there are senior citizens who are living alone and are given no choice but to secure personal provisions such as food, medicines, and other basic necessities and essential items for themselves. These are the senior citizens that
MC 20-09 intends to serve. Through this policy issuance, we are requiring the business establishments to provide them with assistance and give due preference to ensure that they secure their needs quickly, thus making their stay outside their homes kept at the absolute minimum.

This is the true essence and intent of Pagpapahalaga sa mga Senior Citizens. DTI did not issue this to encourage or incentivize senior citizens to go out. They came to us with their concerns and we listened. DTI will never put their lives at risk.

Through this clarification, we hope for the full cooperation of all concerned institutions in taking good care of our senior citizens.♦

Date of Release: 1 April 2020