Trade Undersecretary and BOI Managing Head Ceferino Rodolfo
Press Conference on BOI Guinogulan Awards
April 25, 2017, 10AM, Audio Visual Room, BOI Penthouse
Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. On behalf of the Philippine Board of Investments (BOI), I
am very pleased to welcome you all to our Press Conferenceon the Guinogulan Awards.
Investor confidence remains high in the country as evident in the continued growth in BOI
investment registration figures in recent years.
Investment projects approved by the agency grew 20.4 percent in 2016, reaching P441.8 Billion
from the P366.7 Billion registered in 2015. The value of registered projects in 2016 is second
highest since 2000, next to the P466 Billion registered in 2013. The 20.4 percent growth also
exceeded the agency’s 7 percent growth target for 2016.
Meanwhile, projects registered with the agency in the first quarter of the year grew to 122, or
an increase of 67 percent from the 72 projects registered in the same period in 2016. These
projects are expected to generate 36,115 new jobs once operational—an increase of 181
percent over the 12,841 employment generated in the first quarter of last year. The value of
these investment projects totaled PhP67.973 Billion, increasing by 10 percent the PhP61.938
Billion recorded in the same period last year.
For the January to April period this year, we are tracking an increase of at least 31 percent.
From January 1 until as of today, April 25, the value of projects registered with the BOI amounts
to Php153.974 Billion, compared to Php117.264 Billion recorded in the same period last year.
This is equivalent to 46,018 jobs to be generated compared to 16,366 generated last year or a
growth of 181 percent. Number of projects reached 194 compared to 101 over the same
period last year or a 92 percent increase.
With sustained investor confidence in the country’s macroeconomic fundamentals and the
early approval of the 2017 Investments Priorities Plan (IPP), we expect a more robust if not, an
unprecedented growth in investments this year. We are eyeing a P500 Billion investment mark
by the end of 2017 or “P500 Billion for BOI@50”.
In support of the Philippine global branding, we are pleased to announce today the that we are
calling for nomination for the BOI Guinogulan Awards. As the country’s lead investments
promotion agency, we will be recognizing businesses and firms that show excellence and
significant contribution to the country’s economic growth through capital infusion, employment
generation, introduction of new technologies and innovation, implementation of community
relations, economic linkages, and adoption of Inclusive Business models in their operations.
The Awards further highlight the competitive advantages of doing business in the Philippines
with the awardees as living proofs and testimonies to the viability and profitability of doing

business in the country. It is also a platform to inform the success stories of registered micro,
small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) who are able to thrive and even expand, and have
successfully integrated their operations in global value chains.
As the lead promotional investment agency of the national government, the BOI remains
committed to do its fair share of making our local industries stronger and more competitive,

and attracting more strategic and socially-relevant investments that would generate the much-
needed jobs for our countrymen.

And now, to further enlighten us the details of the Awards, we are pleased to present to you a
brief Audio Visual Presentation on Awards.
Again thank you, and pleasant day to everyone.