9th MSMED Council Meeting 1
Trade Secretary and MSMED Council Chair Ramon Lopez presiding over the 9th MSMED Council Meeting.

Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, as the Chairperson of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development (MSMED) Council, facilitated the 9th MSMED Council Meeting on 9 May 2018 at Makati Diamond Residences.

The MSMED Plan of 2017-2022 was discussed and highlighted its Strategic Goals on Improved Business Climate, Improved Access to Finance, Enhanced Management and Labor Capacities, Improved Access to Technology and Innovation, Improved Access to Markets.

Present also during the meeting are the MSMED Council Advisory Unit from various government agencies, Vice Chairperson PA Joey Concepcion, Undersecretary Zenaida C. Maglaya, Assistant Secretary Blesila A. Lantayona, Assistant Secretary Rosvi C. Gaetos, Director Jerry T. Clavesillas, and private sector representatives.♦

9th MSMED Council Meeting 2
Trade Secretary Ramon M. Lopez with Vice Chair PA Joey Concepcion.

Date of release: 9 May 2018