Sec Ramon Lopez i3 strategy 
Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez discussed the Philippine government’s inclusive, innovation-led, industrial strategy or i3s at the Synergy 2017, an annual science, technology and innovation conference, on 19 September in Manila.

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Ramon Lopez discussed the Philippine government’s inclusive, innovation-led, industrial strategy or i3s, before an assembly of audience from the government, the academe and the private sector.

Speaking at the Synergy 2017, an annual science, technology and innovation conference, on 19 September in Manila, Sec. Lopez said that the i3s complements the government’s thrust to promote an innovation ecosystem in the Philippines, with different sectors partnering to generate more jobs and improved business opportunities.

He also said that adopting i3s would translate to the creation of smarter Filipino entrepreneurs, who willfully embrace idea-based, demand-oriented, and research-driven innovation.

“It is in innovation that entrepreneurs can create their unique selling proposition and business models with added value leading to higher income propensity,” according to him.

Sec. Lopez affirmed that the government will always serve as a mover of innovation, in a bid to widen the gains of economic development by empowering the sector of MSMEs.

The Synergy 2017 conference was hosted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Science, Technology, Research and Innovation for Development (STRIDE) program and the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL).