COMTCP Committee
3rd COMTCP committee review- approved the new structure and eligibility requirements (Standing, L-R) Jan Amiel C. de Leon, Engr. Angelito V. Zulueta, Engr. Victoriano V. Lahoz, Engr. Rene E. Fajardo, Anthony Mariano, and Michael John V. Cataquian; (Seated, L-R) Ofelia R. Usigan, Arch. Felicitas A. Pio Roda, Dr. Ernesto S. De Castro, and Bianca S. Martinez.

The Department of Trade and Industry-Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (DTI-CIAP) thru its human resource development arm; the Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CMDF) will be launching the Enhanced Construction Managers’ Training and Certification Program (ECOMTCP) within 2017 to lead infrastructure developments in the Philippines with capable project managers.

ECOMTCP is the enriched product of industry-led application of lessons from the former COMPTCP, which is CMDF’s pilot program to assure that competent project managers will handle huge and complex projects in construction. ECOMTCP, which is projected to begin pilot run on the 3rd quarter of 2017 will be more acceptable and align itself with Philippine education standards. The goal of the program is to guarantee the competency of project managers by introducing rigorous assessment mechanism and added incentives like earning CPD units, additional credit points for PCAB Contractor’s License, and harmonized requirements to ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer. CMDF is working with DPWH to endorse 43 graduates of DPWH’S Project Managers Course for certification to ECOMTCP. The program is the practical answer to the growing demand for competent and certified construction project managers.

ECOMTCP shows the government’s drive to fully support the projected growth of the construction industry by advocating for competent and globally competitive Filipino workforce. DTI-CIAP thru CMDF as mandated by PD No. 1746 continues to run and develop various programs to support construction industry professionals and workers in improving their knowledge and skills and work their way to nation building.