Construction Manpower and Development Foundation (CMDF), the human resource development arm of the Department of Trade and Industry – Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (DTI-CIAP), recently organized a collaborative workshop to further develop the Construction Industry One Registry System (CIORS) concept.

The workshop, held last September 20, 2016 at the St. Giles Hotel Makati, drew together stakeholders and personalities from both the public and private construction sectors, to generate new ideas and approaches from diverse viewpoints; and to consensually arrive at a final and workable CIORS concept.                            

“We have the best equipment in the world, and that is our human resource,” said newly-appointed Undersecretary DTI-CIAP Attorney Ruth B. Castelo, in her opening remarks during the workshop. “And with this equipment, we can achieve what other countries cannot, if only we will work harder and dream bigger.” Atty. Castelo shared.

The CIORS will be the pioneer online registry system in the Philippine Construction Industry to highlight relevant competencies of the construction human resource. The system seeks to address industry roadblocks related to construction productivity by providing validated, comprehensive, and readily-accessible human resource information.

With the advent of the data economy, establishing an online registry system will not only be timely and appropriate, but will also be integral in maximizing the advantages of the current construction boom in the country. Apart from aligned strategies and affirmed commitments that could boost the local construction industry, major stakeholders anticipate the impact and merits of the CIORS on the ASEAN community.

Atty. Castelo reminded the stakeholders that their participation and cooperation will be crucial across all the phases of this industry-wide initiative.