The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is inviting young entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs to hone their entrepreneurial skills through the upcoming Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) Cebu Roadshow on 27 November at the Cebu Parklane Hotel.

DTI Region 7 Assistant Regional Director Maria Elena Arbon explained that the Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) is a nationwide program to help young Filipinos develop their entrepreneurial skills by offering them different content and workshops to motivate and equip them with basic knowledge to get started.

Director Arbon is encouraging entrepreneurs 18-35 years of age who would like to learn about entrepreneurship to register online at the following link:

She added that only those who have registered online and confirmed their attendance would be accommodated during the event that targets a maximum of 200 participants.

Arbon said that since seats for YEP 2019 are limited, interested parties are encouraged to join the wait list as DTI will still screen all registrants, adding that they will get an email confirming their participation to the YEP 2019 Cebu Roadshow.

During the Cebu Roadshow, DTI will include three breakout sessions to focus on startup, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and self- improvement / young mindset tracks.

In the startup track of the workshop, participants will learn about the importance of company culture, how to align themselves or their startup’s culture with the talent they wish to attract and learn how to discover if their proposed business model is viable.

In the MSMEs Track, participants will be saturated with content that encourages them to create social media channels and stay online since most business owners run a one-man show.

The self-improvement track will enrich participants to think logically, show them how they will be able to control their emotions so as not to cloud their judgment and dictate their course of action.

Carrying the tagline “Harnessing Our Own Resources for the Advancement of the Youth!” the YEP is a nationwide program to help young Filipinos develop their entrepreneurial skills by offering them a comprehensive package of interventions.

YEP supports the government’s growth agenda of doubling the number of entrepreneurs in the country by 2022 which will in turn, broaden the gains of economic development, address inequality, and uplift the quality of life of Filipinos, particularly the youth.

With the end goal of improving national development, YEP components encourage upbeat actions towards strengthening economic independence among individuals and communities.♦

Date of Release: 12 November 2019