On the occasion of the Philippines’ chairmanship and hosting of ASEAN 2017, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) presents two (2) publications aimed to inspire, embolden and guide Philippine MSMEs to pursue and achieve their full potential, and actively engage in positive action to effect meaningful changes in growing the country’s economy.

From Local to Global: Borderless Business for Philippine MSMEs is for all Filipino entrepreneurs and guides Philippine MSMEs with basic information on various government support programs that capacitate and empower entrepreneurs as they pursue the path to internationalization.

This publication is a product of the collaboration among the DTI, the Makati Business Club (MBC) and the USAid TRADE Project.

The Philippine AEC 2025 Game Plan updates the Philippine ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Game Plan 2015, and is guided by the AEC 2025 Blueprint adopted by the 10 ASEAN member states. The Philippine AEC 2025 Game Plan likewise incorporates subsequent and equally significant initiatives and programs of the government post 2014, particularly with the promulgation of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017 – 2022, and illustrates how the AEC 2025 Blueprint aligns with the PDP’s desired outcomes. It elevates the 4 Cs (Competitiveness, Compliance, Collaboration and Communication) Strategy into a Framework highlighting government’s efforts to achieve competitiveness at the national, industry and enterprise levels. It establishes, as well, the DTI’s 7 Ms Strategy that supports initiatives for starting, sustaining and expanding MSMEs.

It intends to help the reader better understand and appreciate the nature of the ASEAN region’s continuing efforts to achieve a single market and production base, and the steps the Philippines is taking to ensure that it remains an active participant in this renewed integration process while reaping the gains from such participation and membership.

This publication is a product of the collaboration among the Committee for the ASEAN Economic Community (CAEC) chaired by the DTI, and the USAid TRADE Project.

Both publications will be launched during the DTI’s ASEAN 2017 MSME Development Summit: The 7Ms Towards Shared Prosperity in ASEAN on 14 July 2017 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Manila, Philippines.