DTI Region 5 – The Department of Trade and Industry in Albay imposed a Price Freeze on basic commodities in the whole Province of Albay as lava continues to flow from the Mayon Volcano.

As of Tuesday, Albay Province has been declared under a state calamity by the Provincial Council of Albay through Resolution No. 670-2018.

The DTI-Albay Provincial Office is closely monitoring the price and supply of basic necessities in establishments throughout Albay. DTI will ensure there are sufficient and reasonably-priced basic necessities such as canned sardines, evaporated and condensed milk, coffee refill, laundry bar, detergent powder, candles, bread (Pinoy tasty and Pinoy pandesal), salt, bottled water, and instant noodles.

A Memorandum Circular was also issued to all wetmarkets, supermarkets, groceries, bakeries, and water refilling stations, reminding establishments to comply with the provision of the Price Act. It will also serve as a warning that any violation of the Price Act shall be dealt with accordingly.

The DTI enjoins the retailers to comply with the price freeze while consumers are advised to be guided by the price freeze list in their respective areas in making their purchases.

Penalties for violation against the price freeze include at least the imposition of fine of P5,000.00 up to P1 million and/or imprisonment of one (1) year up to ten (10) years.♦