DTI warns PETCs

The Department of Trade and Industry – Bureau of Philippine Standards (DTI-BPS) warns accredited Private Emission Testing Centers (PETC) to keep track of the validity period of their accreditation with the bureau and to file their renewal application on time to avoid the inconvenience of having to apply for a new accreditation and its unwanted consequence.

“We remind the PETC owners that the bureau strictly adheres to the prescribed renewal period as provided under Department Administrative Order (DAO) 03 Series of 2002 which is three (3) months before the validity expires. This period ensures DTI and the PETC the continued competent operations of the PETC when the DTI accreditation is reviewed.” states DTI-BPS Director James Empeño.

Engr. Empeño further explains, “Failure to file your renewal application within the prescribed period would result to the bureau treating your application as new.

The Department of Transportation (DOTr) is in collaboration with the DTI in implementing the emission standards for motor vehicles pursuant to Republic Act No. 8749, otherwise known as the Clean Air Act, which aims to protect the right of the people to a clean and healthy environment. The DOTr has issued Department Order (DO) No. 2016-020, “Moratorium on the Acceptance of Applications for New Authorization of PETCs” in 2016 and is still in effect as of today.

The DTI-BPS calls on PETC business holders to cooperate and comply with rules of the DTI Accreditation of PETCs.

“These regulatory measures that the DTI and DOTr implement ensure substantial improvement in air quality for the health, safety and welfare of the general public. Let us work together in making this country a healthier place for everyone.” BPS Director Empeño underscores.

For more information on PETCs, accreditation and standards, call DTI Direct 751.3330 or visit www.bps.dti.gov.ph.♦

Date of release: 06 April 2018