Sec Mon looking at OTOP Products
DTI Secretary Mon Lopez checks out the products being sold at DTI-CAR OTOP Hub

Revisiting the One Town, One Product (OTOP) Cordillera Hub and KAPEtirya after three years since it was inaugurated— Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Ramon M. Lopez noted some improvements as it now serves, not only as a marketing center for Cordillera crafts, but as a venue for economic activities.

The OTOP hub carries various crafts and produce from all six (6) provinces of the Cordillera including Baguio City with items ranging from handwoven crafts, wearables, food, and consumables, souvenir & ethnic crafts and coffee.

As part of a tripartite arrangement with the City Government of Baguio, the Association of Barangay Councils and DTI, the management of both the OTOP Hub and KAPEtirya is being supervised by DTI-Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) with operators like the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI)-Baguio Benguet Chapter, Pasakalye Group of Artists and recently, the Old Baguio Market & Pasalubong Shop.

DTI Secretary Mon Lopez enjoying a cup of locally produced coffee at the Kapetirya
DTI Secretary Ramon “Mon” M. Lopez enjoying a cup of locally produced coffee at the KAPEtirya

With the holding of three (3) Philippine Coffee Conferences in Baguio and Philippine Coffee Quality Competitions with DTI as a key player, Secretary Lopez was happy to note that KAPEtirya evolved as a model for specialty coffee where one can also learn its trade from bean to cup as the retiring DTI-CAR Regional Director (RD) Myrna P. Pablo would put it.

Sec Mon Lopez with DTI-CAR Officials and City Government Officials
DTI Secretary Mon Lopez with RD Myrna Pablo (right), ARD Juliet Lucas (left) and Baguio City government officials

Also located next to the CPC Building, Upper Session Road, Baguio City, KAPEtirya is now managed by the Barista and Coffee Academy of Asia and opens from 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM. It serves locally grown coffee products with various concoctions like Caramel Macchiato, Single Origin, Nitro Brewed Brew, Atok Origin, and Highland Mestiza. ♦

Date of Release: 5 July 2021