Two (2) selected Shared Service Facility (SSF) Projects in Nueva Vizcaya were validated by the Commission on Audit (COA) of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on 11 January 2017.

The auditors were assisted by the Department of Trade and Industry- Nueva Vizcaya represented by Mr. Alberto D. Pamatian, CTIDS and SSF Focal Person, and Ms. Mariza M. Dolor, STIDS/ MTIO.

The audited SSF Projects were (1.) Quezon Furniture Makers & Workers Association for their Furniture Making Facility and (2.) Samahang Magsasaka ng Wacal, Inc. for their Milk Processing Facility.

The auditors checked the operationalization and inventory of SSF equipment. One-on-one interviews with the cooperators were made by the auditors to identify the impact of the facilities to the organizations.

On the other hand, the Milk Processing Facility given to the Samahang Magsasaka ng Wacal, Inc. is currently used as a wine processing facility due to the in-availability of the raw materials for the production of dairy products.

COA conducts audit on selected SSF projects in Nueva Vizcaya 1 COA conducts audit on selected SSF projects in Nueva Vizcaya 2