Photos taken during the Product Development Seminar at the Rizal Activity Center, Rizal, Cagayan on February 22-23, 2018.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Local Government Unit of Rizal conducted a two-day Product Packaging and Labelling Seminar and one-on-one consultation with the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) at the Rizal Activity Center, Rizal, Cagayan on February 22-23, 2018.

About 25 MSMEs from the different barangays of Rizal attended the seminar which focused on product development consultation and critiquing of existing products.

Mr. Remigio Taguba, Executive Assistant of LGU Rizal, welcomed the participants in behalf of Mayor Brenda B. Ruma.

Ms. Janice Villaflor, BuB Focal Person of LGU Rizal and Mr. Johnfrey Bauag, Municipal Tourism Officer, facilitated the conduct of the seminar.

Ms. Maria Liza A. Guzman, BuB Focal Person of DTI Cagayan discussed the next steps and different activities lined-up under the DTI-BuB Yaman Pinoy Project of LGU Rizal. She also discussed the programs of the Department for MSME development.

Meanwhile, Mr. Renmark Marcelo, Designer of DTI Regional Office 02 conducted the product development consultation and product critiquing.

The seminar was also supported by the Department of Science and Technology – (DOST) Provincial Science and Technology Center Cagayan and the Department of Labor and Employment – Cagayan Field Office. Ms. Aileen Amichelle B. Tuliao discussed the programs of DOLE in support to MSMEs, while Ms. Jennifer B. Ibañez and Ms. Elise Marie M. Lucas discussed the SET-UP Program and the services of the Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory of DOST.

“We thank the Department of Trade and Industry for your support to our MSMEs. Rest assured that your efforts will not be futile as we, at LGU Rizal, will commit to help them in the best way we can for their products to reach the market,” says Executive Assistant Taguba.

He also extended his gratitude to DOST, DOLE and all government agencies that have been very supportive to MSMEs. He assured that LGU Rizal will value all the resources given to the municipality.♦