CASIG SUR, TUGUEGARAO CITY — DTI R2 mediation officers and alternate mediation officers undergo a two-day practical course in mediation on June 15-16, 2023 at Negosyo Center, DTI Regional Office 2, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City.

Nine mediators and alternate mediators of DTI Region 2 were equipped in an in-house training which zeroes in on the Alternate Dispute Resolution Law, Department Administrative Order No. 20-02, s. 2020, Basics of Mediation, the Attributes of a Mediator, the Mediation Process, and Simulation Activities. The program was patterned to fill in the knowledge gaps of the mediators and alternate mediators and was conducted in a hybrid setup to cater to on-screen participants from across the region.

Atty. Cyrus I. Restauro – Chief, Consumer Protection Division RO, Atty. Angie U. Gumaru – OIC Head, Legal Unit, Mr. Lourdito B. Antonio – Chief, Consumer Protection Division Cagayan PO and Dalubhasa Program Graduate, and Mr. Elmer A. Agorto – Chief, Consumer Protection Division Isabela PO and Dalubhasa Program Graduate, served as speakers during the practical training. During their discussions, a free flow of exchanges was ensured to have an interactive learning session and to address real and apparent issues encountered in actual practice.

To have a full assessment of the mediation skills of the participants, simulation activities were staged. First, the participants were tasked to prepare the mediator’s opening statement which was later critiqued by the Dalubhasas. After, they mediated in a simulated situation from the beginning down to the preparation of mediation agreements.

This was targeted as the first step toward enhancing the knowledge and skills of the mediators. Field coaching and mentoring will likewise be institutionalized.

Date of release: 21 June 2023