DTI-2 1st Provincial Cacao Forum
Ms. Ragel  D. Tacazon ,Trade and Industry Development Specialist of DTI R02 discusses the overview of the Philippine Cacao Industry during the 1st Provincial Cacao Forum on September 8, 2017 at the Provincial Gymnasium, Cabarroguis, Quirino.

The Department of Trade and Industry – Quirino Provincial Office in partnership with the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist of the Provincial Local Government of Quirino, organized the 1st Provincial Cacao Forum on September 8, 2017 at the Provincial Gymnasium, Cabarroguis, Quirino.

The forum was part of the Farm Family Day which is one of the highlights of the Panagdadapun Festival 2017 in celebration of the 46th Founding Anniversary of the province.

The activity gathered together the stakeholders of the cacao industry in the province such as existing farmers and would-be investors and representatives from support agencies and institutions. A total of 67 participants attended the forum.

The activity was designed to update the stakeholders and open the awareness of the participants about the industry and encourage them to promote and support the development of cacao industry in the province as a major source of income, along with the production and processing of other high value commercial crops.

Ms. Ragel D. Tacazon, Trade and Industry Development Specialist of DTI R02, acted as the Resource Speaker during the forum and she presented the highlights of the 2017-2022 Cacao Roadmap. She underscored the bright prospects and opportunities awaiting the industry with emphasis on the opportunities offered by the ASEAN economic integration. She highlighted the great demand for cacao in a global perspective that the Philippines, particularly the cacao stakeholders in Quirino, can take part of.

On the other hand, DTI Quirino OIC PD Ma. Sofia G. Narag and SVTIDS Lenore Lee S. Lopez, focal person for cacao, assured the stakeholders of the commitment and support of DTI Quirino in advancing the industry in the province.

The 1st Provincial Cacao Forum was a great avenue for the cacao stakeholders in the province to air and discuss their issues and concerns regarding cacao production, processing and marketing.

The Cacao Industry Cluster is one of the eight priority industry clusters supported by the Regional Development Council 02 – Economic Development Committee (RDC 2 – EDC) which will be the focus of development for the next 5 years through inter-agency collaborations.♦

1st Provincial Cacao Forum
The participants listen to the presentation of Ms. Ragel D. Tacazon, Trade and Industry Development Specialist of DTI Region 2 during the 1st Provincial Cacao Forum held in Quirino Province.