The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Region 2, in collaboration with the International School of Sustainable Tourism (ISST), recently conducted the Farm Tourism 112: Urban Farmacy Lifestyle, Health and New Consciousness last 30-31 August 2022, 8:30-12 nn, via Zoom, which was attended by some 160 farm tourism stakeholders and industry players.

This is the second module of the Farm Tourism Webinar Series intended to capacitate farm tourism stakeholders with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to efficiently develop and manage their existing or potential farm tourism sites.

Tourism comes in many forms, and health tourism has been a growing trend since the country started its post-pandemic recovery. Since COVID-19 happened, Filipinos have become more health-conscious in their home habits, fitness activities, healthy eating, and work life.

“We are aware of how big the role of agriculture and tourism sectors in our economy is and combining both through farm tourism will surely pave the way to economic growth, sustainable agricultural practices, job employment, and income generation, especially for small-scale farmers,” said DTI Nueva Vizcaya PD Marietta Salviejo in her message as she emphasized farm tourism as a source of inclusive development.

PD Salviejo also added that the success of the industry lies in the active participation and involvement of the whole community.

“Highlighting agriculture as part of tourism boosts support for farmers and our fisherfolks,” said Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office 2 RED Edillo Narciso. He also added, “The most important effect of promoting farm tourism is the economic benefit it will bring to the farmers and to the immediate community.”

RED Edillo also highlighted that the various research centers and experiment stations have been supporting the farm tourism industry, such as the DA-CVRC, or Cagayan Valley Research Center, in Ilagan, Isabela, which has been accredited by the Department of Tourism R2 as the first agro-tourism site in May 2016.

Furthermore, through this module, the participants were capacitated on the importance and benefits of weeds and plants in the garden; the preparation of the weeds for eating and for medication; natural and organic cures and ways to be healthy; and an overview of how to keep a healthy lifestyle in mind, body, and spirit intentionally, as well as health tourism.

Speakers in this module were Dr. Albert A. Jo, CEO of Rapha Valley Place of Wellness; Dr. Jaime Z. Galvez Tan, Chairman of Health Futures Foundation, Inc.; Elizabeth Joseph Mehta, Certified Climate Speaker; and Ms. Flor G. Tarriela, owner of Flor’s Garde. 

Date of Release: 20 September 2022

Posted on Facebook on 5 September 2022