The Board of Investments (BOI) is scheduled to conduct an Investment Priorities Plan (IPP) Roadshow at the Grand Xing Imperial Hotel in downtown Iloilo on September 8, 2017. Registration starts at 8am.
The morning session will be highlighted with testimonials from BOI-registered companies from Region VI, and the presentation of Small Business Corporation on the financing of projects.
An investment clinic, a one-on-one company consultation, will be held in the afternoon with resource persons from Manila and Visayas Extension Offices.
This roadshow is aimed to ensure the immediate widespread awareness of the 2017 IPP which is based on the theme, “Scaling Up and Dispersing Opportunities” for all regions all throughout the country.
It will give information on how to apply investment project under the 2017 IPP for incentives.
The 2017 IPP, a rolling three-year plan, will serve as a blueprint in guiding both Filipino and foreign investors in matching their entrepreneurial and financial capacities with opportunities identified in the plan.
Industry associations, business clubs/organizations, chambers, ecozones operators, local government units, academe, non-government organizations, and civil society organizations are invited to participate in this one-day activity.
Registration is free.
The event is in cooperation with the BOI and the Office of Congressman Ferjenel G. Biron, with the support of DTI VI.