DTI organizes Philippine participation in China’s Premier Services Trade Fair

The Department of Trade and Industry’s Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC)-Beijing and Export Marketing Bureau (EMB) organized the participation of Philippine services exporters in the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) held on 02 – 06 September 2023. CIFTIS is China’s premier trade fair dedicated to services trade. This annual event, held continue reading : DTI organizes Philippine participation in China’s Premier Services Trade Fair

DTI Chief targets investments in Mineral Processing, EV, and Manufacturing

BEIJING, CHINA — On 5 January 2023, President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. together with Trade and Industry Secretary Fred Pascual led the Roundtable Meeting (RTM) on Strategic Industries covering nickel processing, power batteries, electronic vehicles (EV), electronics manufacturing, and steel manufacturing. It was also attended by Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, House Speaker Ferdinand Martin continue reading : DTI Chief targets investments in Mineral Processing, EV, and Manufacturing

DTI leads the Philippine Business Delegation during SMIC Site Visit

BEIJING, CHINA — On 4 January 2023, DTI Undersecretary Ceferino Rodolfo led the Philippine business delegation in a site visit to the wafer fab facility of Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC). The visit happened at the sidelines of the three-day State Visit of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in the People’s Republic of China, arranged through continue reading : DTI leads the Philippine Business Delegation during SMIC Site Visit

DTI Chief boasts PH’s policy reforms, encourages foreign investments in renewable energy

BEIJING, CHINA — On 5 January 2023, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. together with DTI Secretary Fred Pascual, DOE Secretary Raphael Lotilla, and the rest of the Philippine official delegation to China led the Roundtable Meeting on Renewable Energy (RE). It was also attended by Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez, continue reading : DTI Chief boasts PH’s policy reforms, encourages foreign investments in renewable energy

Chinese International Import Expo (CIIE)

CIIE generates USD597.34-M in export sales for the Philippine food sector

The Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (CITEM) celebrates another milestone for the food export industry as the Philippines’ hybrid event participation in the Chinese International Import Expo (CIIE) held last 5-10 November 2021 at the National Exhibition Center in Shanghai, China delivered over USD597.34-M worth of onsite export sales. China stands as the continue reading : CIIE generates USD597.34-M in export sales for the Philippine food sector


Philippines invites investments from China during CIFIT 2021

The Philippines identified valuable investment projects and possible areas for closer collaborations and partnerships with Chinese partners during the Philippine Investment Forum on the first day of the China Investment Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) 2021 at Xiamen, China.

DTI Secretary Ramon Lopez delivering his keynote speech via video

Philippine Investment Forum at CIFIT 2020: Now is the best time to invest in the Philippines

The Philippine delegation to the China Investment Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) 2020 recently presented valuable investment projects and potential partnerships for Chinese and foreign investors at the Philippine Investment Forum, held on the first day of CIFIT 2020 at Xiamen, China.   Leading the program for the investment forum was Special Trade Representative continue reading : Philippine Investment Forum at CIFIT 2020: Now is the best time to invest in the Philippines

Skyscraper photo taken at night

Philippines on the Improvement Block

The Philippines holds the Guest Country of Honor at the China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) from 2020 until 2021. This year’s premier investment promotion fair will take place from September 8 to 11 at Xiamen, China.  Represented by major Philippine companies, investment promotion agencies, and government offices–led by the Philippine Board of continue reading : Philippines on the Improvement Block

Philippines’ participation in CIFIT 2020 to stimulate foreign investments and economic growth

MANILA – The Philippines aims to stimulate foreign investments and complementary economic recovery as it presents business opportunities at the China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) 2020.    Major Philippine companies, investment promotion agencies, and government offices will represent the country from September 8 to 10 at Xiamen, China.   The Philippines enters CIFIT 2020 continue reading : Philippines’ participation in CIFIT 2020 to stimulate foreign investments and economic growth