Compilation of the report’s mention of the Philippines based on Thomson Reuters’ research. In summary, they have acknowledged the Philippine Government’s initiative and program in exports especially under the Halal food sector.
Thomson Reuters report 2018/2019
Key Developments in 2017/18
- The halal food trade opportunity is alluring, however, much movement in the leader board of exporters is anticipated, with China, Philippines and Canada all making important moves
- The Philippines is seeking to gain a substantial share of the halal export opportunity, after the Development Promotion Board accepted the requirements of the Halal Export and Development Act 2016, and with the local development of the Asian Halal Center, a 100-hectare halal processing facility to house producers
Islamic economy challengers
- While OIC countries continue to have the most developed Islamic economy ecosystems, China, Thailand and Philippines represent substantial challengers
- Led by its ambitious trade plans, China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative could see it becoming a leader in the export of halal products in particular, with the substantial involvement of 28 out of the 57 OIC countries.
- China has seen substantial investment in domestic halal food companies, notably, a US$32.8 million investment by Henan Shuinghui Investment and Development Company into Wuhui Shuanghai Food, and with a AED 1.35 billion investment in the Dubai Halal Food Park, China is positioning itself to be a leading exporter of halal food.
- Thailand and Philippines are also positioning themselves to become leaders in halal products, with Thailand making important strides in developing a halal regulatory ecosystem, with a world-leading Halal Research Center at Chulalongkorn University, and the Philippines seeking to develop the Asia Halal Center, a 100-hectare processing facility.
Thomson Reuters report 2019/20
- NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS- OIC governments are increasingly realizing the critical importance of halal to their national economies, driving an increase in initiatives.
- Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS), held in April 2019, generated $42 million in sales and investment leads for Philippine firms attending.
- GOVERNMENT- Halal food can boost GDP in OIC countries, and is contingent upon robust national strategies, and strong investment in boosting food systems.
Notable developments
Multi-billion dollar investments by halal food companies in Malaysia’s halal zones; multiple similar initiatives now across the UAE, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore.