IRR on controlled chemicals to take effect on 9 August 2016
Export Development Council
September 20, 2016
The Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 9516 which governs controlled chemicals is expected to be implemented starting 9 August 2016, 15 days after its publication last 25 July 2016.
Said IRR reduced the list of controlled chemicals from 101 to 32 (15 High Risk and 17 Low Risk) and streamlined the processes and issuance of licenses and permits. It also stipulates that police escort is now only required in the movement of high-risk chemicals without escort fees.
The Annexes of said IRR include: A) List of Controlled Chemicals; B) Guidelines in the Movement and Transportation of Controlled Chemicals; C) Processing of Licenses and Permits; D) Fees and Charges; E) Guidelines and Procedures in the Inspection of Storage Facility; F) Parameters for issuance of Certificate of Good Standing and G) Forms (application forms).□