01 September 2018
Published also in Business Mirror
IF you do import and export trade transactions or planning to trade goods, it’s a must to master Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) used in shipping goods on land, air and sea). While the revised set of rules on Incoterms in all international trade transactions has taken effect globally seven years ago, many exporters and importers, traders, bankers, insurers, freight forwarders, carriers and the people handling such transactions, namely, business owners, treasurers, CFOs, procurement officers, trade negotiators and many lawyers are still unaware of these changes.
Don’t make mistakes when using trade terminologies that can jeopardize your businesses. In collaboration with the International Chamber of Commerce to educate the business community and the general public, the Center for Global Best Practices will have a rerun of the program, entitled “Incoterms: Revised International Rules in the Interpretation of Trade Terms,” scheduled on September 14 at the Edsa Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City. [Check www.cgbp.org for a complete list of International Trade programs, including “Best Practices Guide on How to Import Goods to the Philippines,” “Mastering the Use of LC for Import and Export,” “Revised ISBP on LC Transactions, ICC Model International Sales Contracts,” “Best Practices in Handling Customs Tax Audits and Remedies” and many more. You may also call landlines in Manila [+63 2] 842-7148/59 and [+63 2] 556-8968/ 69, in Baguio [+63 74] 423-2914, in Cebu [+63 32] 512-3106 or 07, or Legazpi City [+63 52] 736-0148.]