Trade Remedies
The DTI through the Bureau of Import Services (BIS) initiates and conducts preliminary determination on petitions for trade remedy measures (i.e. anti-dumping, subsidies and countervailing and safeguard measures) to determine whether or not to impose provisional measure on industrial goods.
DTI also formulates and recommends appropriate definitive action on petitions for trade remedy measures based on the formal report of findings submitted by the Tariff Commission on petitions for imposition and extension of the measure. DTI also prepares and issues Orders and notices to implement decisions on petitions for trade remedy measures.
Such trade remedies are divided broadly into 3 legislations as aligned with the WTO Agreements:
Trade Remedy Electronic Filing System (TREFS) Tutorials
DTI Trade Remedy Electronic Filing System (TREFS) Registration
DTI Trade Remedy Electronic Filing System (TREFS) Filing of Petition and Investigation Information
DTI Trade Remedy Electronic Filing System (TREFS) Registration
DTI Trade Remedy Electronic Filing System (TREFS) Filing of Petition and Investigation Information
Watch the full tutorial at: TREFS Youtube playlist.