The Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC) – Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), together with the Philippine Consulate General Hong Kong SAR (PCGHK), Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), and Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP), launched the sixth episode of its Trabaho Negosyo Kabuhayan (TNK) series with a webinar on reintegration preparedness for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) on 22 June 2021 via Zoom.
In the opening remarks, Deputy Consul General (DCG) Germinia Aguilar- Usudan greeted overseas Filipino investors (OFIs) a belated 123rd Independence Day and urged OFIs to listen intently to the speakers to learn relevant information on opening a bank account, investing, saving money, and performing safe online transactions. In addition, she reminded the OFIs that getting a loan is not easy and that being a guarantor may result to the OFI-guarantor paying the full amount of someone else’s debt.
OWWA Hong Kong’s Welfare Attaché Ms. Virsie B. Tamayao introduced the mission, vision, events, and services of National Reintegration Center (NCRO) to the OFIs. Further, she shared various reintegration programs conducted by OWWA to provide guidance to the OFIs on how they can be assisted when they are reintegrated back to the Philippines in the future.
LBP’s Overseas Representative Officer, Mr. Francis G. Fellone (Middle East) provided more information regarding the Reintegration Program specifically the requirements to avail of the program. Additionally, he informed the participants about the requirements to open a bank account and introduced LBP’s investment products. In the end of his presentation, he gave many practical tips in ensuring that the OFIs will not be defrauded or scammed when using electronic banking.
The webinar focused on sharing relevant initiatives of various Philippine government agencies to assist OFIs who are considering going back home. It had 260 OFI registrants and gained thousands of views on the simultaneous Facebook livestream.
For more information on the TNK initiative or investment opportunities for OFWs in Hong Kong, visit PTIC-HK’s microsite or email Hongkong@dti.gov.ph. Follow PTIC-Hong Kong on Facebook. ♦
Date of Release: 24 June 2021