Many medical testing laboratories have adopted the ISO 15189 laboratory management system standard, and a fundamental element for management system standards is the measurement of its established system and process performance. The method for determining this, is to conduct internal audits.
Internal audits should be part of every laboratory quality system as it allows the laboratory to look at its own processes and assess its own compliance to specific standards or requirements. Internal audits can be done frequently as needed, and this activity should be conducted by trained auditors. However, the idea of conducting internal audits might be new to some laboratory personnel.
To equip medical laboratory personnel with skills in carrying out audit, the Philippine Accreditation Bureau (PAB) conducted a two half-day webinar on Orientation on Internal Audit for Clinical/Medical Laboratories under ISO 15189 on 10-11 December 2020. The webinar included discussion on the overview of ISO 15189 requirements, basics of auditing, quality improvement and compliance; steps in performing audits, and reporting of audit findings.
For the past months, PAB-PDD has been conducting webinar series for Health and Social Care Sectors in recognition of their importance most especially in times of pandemic, and ensuring the quality of this sector is crucial in delivering safe, efficient, and effective services.
To date, PAB through its Promotion and Documentation Division (PDD) has conducted the following webinar series since July 2020: Benefits and Importance of Accreditation for the Health and Social Care Sector, Requirements of ISO 15189- Medical laboratories – requirements for quality and competence, PAB’s Policy and Procedures, Supplementary Requirements and Guidance Documents, Telemedicine: Ensuring the Quality of Health and Social Care Sector, and Orientation on Internal Audit for Clinical/Medical Laboratories under ISO 15189.
Release Date: 17 December 2020