Ms. Ma. Juanita P. Carpio, Chief of DTI-PAB Management System Accreditation Division (MSAD), facilitating the CB’s Forum

The DTI-Philippine Accreditation Bureau (PAB) gathered its accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) and potential applicants in a forum to discuss their issues and concerns on accreditation held in St. Giles Makati Hotel on 04 July 2019. Twenty-one (21) participants from different certification bodies for management system, product and halal attended the event.

Competitiveness and Innovation Group (CIG) Undersecretary Rafaelita M. Aldaba graced the event to welcome the participants. She encouraged the participants to actively participate in the forum and to voice out their comments and suggestions to improve DTI-PAB’s services. She also urged them to help PAB in promoting the importance of accreditation to their clientele.

The PAB-Management System Accreditation Division (MSAD) headed by Ms. Ma. Juanita P. Carpio organized the CBs forum to update the CBs not only with PAB’s accreditation policies and procedures but also with the current documents and issuances from International Accreditation Forum (IAF).  It also tackled developments on the standards such as ISO 45001, a standard that will help organizations in improving employee safety, reducing workplace risks and creating better and safer working conditions, all over the world.

Ms. Amor F. Lahoz, Chief of DTI-PAB’s Promotion and Documentation Division was also invited to discussed the Bureau’s promotional activities in various locations in the country.  She also discussed  the findings of the recently conducted Focused Group Discussion which include the reasons for seeking accreditation and for choosing an accreditation body as well as emerging ISO standards and how this impact accreditation offerings of PAB. She also shared the important role of the PAB Council in providing policy guidance to the work of PAB.

On the other hand, Ms. Ann M. Fernando of DTI-Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS) presented the Management System and Conformity Assessment Standards. She explained how standards are being developed and adopted as Philippine National Standard (PNS). Ms. Fernando also mentioned that anyone is welcome to recommend changes in the standard and to inform DTI-BPS to properly relay it to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/ ISO’s Committee on Conformity Assessment (CASCO).

The forum also served as a venue for participants to discuss, exchange ideas and solicit feedbacks on how PAB deliver its accreditation services specifically to the certification bodies such as strengthening the relationship and collaboration of DTI-PAB with other government or regulatory agencies and making the promotional materials on the importance of accreditation be available in the DTI-PAB website.

DTI-PAB’s then OIC Ernani M. Dionisio wrapped up the forum and thanked the participants for coming despite the bad weather. He also took the opportunity to inform the participants that due to DTI’s organizational movement, he will be assigned to DTI-Bulacan and the incoming DTI-PAB’s Director will be Engr. James E. Empeño.

As the national accreditation body of the Philippines, PAB accredits inspection bodies, testing and calibration laboratories, medical laboratories, certification bodies and other bodies offering conformity assessment services. PAB also conducts continuous awareness programs to promote accreditation services and ensure that changes or updates are properly communicated among its stakeholders.

For more information on accreditation and PAB services, please contact +632 895-3995 or 0917-802-0047 or e-mail at You may also visit PAB’s website at

Release Date: 05 August 2019