Photo taken during the DTI-PAB and DA-BAFs meeting on 30 April 2021 via Zoom

On April 30, 2021, the Philippine Accreditation Bureau of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTIPAB), and the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards of the Department of Agriculture (DABAFS) had a virtual meeting via Zoom to review and update the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on accreditation of Organic Certification Bodies (OCBs).

With the passage of RA 11511, an act amending Republic Act No. 10068 or The Organic Agriculture Act of 2010, updating the current MoU becomes necessary to strengthen the partnership of the two agencies in the implementation of OCB accreditation. Accreditation of Organic Certification Body (OCB) ensures that certified products are safe, and compliant with the Philippine organic agriculture standards and other relevant requirements.

The online meeting was attended by DTI-PAB personnel headed by Asst. Director Ernani M. Dionisio and DA-BAFS personnel headed by Asst. Director Mary Grace Mandigma.

DA-BAFS is recognized as the competent authority on organic agriculture while the DTI-PAB is the national accreditation body of the Philippines mandated to accredit inspection, testing, and certifying bodies, and other bodies offering conformity assessment services.

For more information about DTI-PAB, please visit For more information about DABAFS’ projects and initiatives, please visit

Release Date: 05 May 2021