SME DEVELOPMENT DIVISION The DTI pioneered the implementation of the Shared Service Facility (SSF) in 2013 by providing machineries and equipment to deserving MSMEs to address the low production capacity of existing industries in the region. It also aims to uplift the economic condition in the country side as it enhances the product marketability and efficiency, which in turn, will generate more jobs and better income. A total of 121 SSF Projects have been established by DTI throughout the region as of 2016. These SSFs have benefitted 14,858 MSMEs. SME Roving Academy (SMERA) is a continuous learning program of the department that promotes entrepreneurship, opportunity search, product development, marketing, and productivity activities for r the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) Its main strategies contain: Integration of the business development services for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) at the national and local levels; Establishment of the Provincial, Regional, and National Entrepreneurship Development Networks; Management of an inclusive promotion program. These strategies helped MSMEs better understand the market, while improving their productivity. The passage of RA 10644, also known as the Go Negosyo Act provides for the establishment of Negosyo Centers in provinces, cities, and municipalities in the country. It will boost the development of MSMEs, providing a unified and simplified business registration process thus, helping ease of doing business and fast-track government processes in putting up a business in any part of the country. It is aimed at bringing the government services closer to MSMEs. As of December 2016, there are 38 Negosyo Centers in the region. Sixteen (16) more are to be established for the year 2017. The 38 Negosyo Centers that are operational are now serving the needs of the MSMEs and would-be entrepreneurs in the entire region. MSMEs are enjoy services like business registration, business advisory, capability building, access to market, access to finance, and other support services. . As of December 2016, there are already 25 Negosyo Centers in the Region. Seventeen (17) more are targeted to be established for 2017. Trade Fairs The trade fair, which began in 1996, is a showcase of proudly Bicol-made products and services. This has been institutionalized and considered as one of the longest running trade events in the country organized by DTI that helps launch Bicol products in the global market. At least thirty percent of exhibitors each year are new who are given full marketing assistance by the DTI through this trade fair. The fair does not only aim to market Bicol products but more so, to develop new entrepreneurs, as well. It is a great venue for the Bicol products, which bear new flavors and wonders for a growing domestic market in anticipation of the ASEAN integration and fast-evolving globalization. Efforts such as these not only diversify and expand but also strengthen and improve the quality of the craft and food industry. The fair generates an average sale of not less PhP15M per year, which is a big contribution in the domestic sales of the region. OKB Regional Trade Fair is a project in partnership with the OKB Association, Inc., together with other institutional partners like NGAs, and LGUs. Other local fairs that are conducted in the provinces bring big sales that also contributed significantly in the domestic sales performance of the region. These fairs include: o Summer Barakalan sa Plaza Rizal o Catandungan Trade Fair o Magayon Festival Trade Fair o Kasanggayahan Trade Fair o Rodeo Masbateño Trade Fair o Bishop Francisco Trade Fair o Chistmas Bazaar o Pinyasan Festival The program, which started in 2007 aims to boost Bicol’s flagship commodity – the Pili Nut – in terms of market and economic potential. The story of DTI’s support to Pili is a narrative that speaks of successful collaboration between government, private sector, and industry stakeholders. With the Pili Nut’s unique and interesting properties, and its timely growing market appreciation as a healthy nut, the product’s entrance to the US as well as in other export markets, did not require much effort from the team. The pili nut processors brought the Chosen Pili brand to Hongkong Food Expo and generated orders from Hongkong, China, and the Middle East and later, conducted a market assessment activity and a market survey for Pili. Worth mentioning were the efforts of the Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC) in the US with support from a US-based market analyst firm to help MSMEs in terms of marketing, product quality, branding, and product development. After which, the team joined in Business & Selling Missions, Trade and Food Shows in the different parts of the globe. The program is a success considering the increasing markets of Pili Nuts. Bulk orders come from Hongkong, China, Japan, Middle East, Germany, USA, and Canada. This project aims to implement and achieve an export business optimization program for the Philippine pili nut based on substantive market research, thereby positioning the pili nut appropriately as a premium nut in the export market. The US market, being a “mature” nut market, is considered a prime target market for pili nut with its various trade avenues and immense, diverse, adventurous and benefit-conscious consumer population, including the captive Filipino niche market. With only 5 core players when the program started, this became 24 as of December 2016. For 2017, the program is targeting to add 37 more. These players contribute significantly both in domestic and export sales performance of the region.