Region 1 Summary of Programs and Projects
Shared Service Facilities (SSF) Project The SSF Project is a major component of the Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Development Program which aims to uplift the economic condition in the country side by providing machineries and equipment to deserving MSMEs through SSF Cooperators. A total of 205 SSF Projects have been established by DTI throughout the region as of 2016. The established SSFs have 35,836 beneficiaries with a total project cost of Php122 million. SMERA SME Roving Academy (SMERA) is a continuous learning program for the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to become competitive in the domestic and international markets. Its main strategies contain: Integration of the business development services for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) at the national and local levels; Establishment of the Provincial, Regional, and National Entrepreneurship Development Networks; Management of an inclusive promotion program. The SME Roving Academy (SMERA) program of DTI- R1 focus on the entrepreneurship aspect of SMEs by conducting training sessions on product improvement, packaging and labeling, basic entrepreneurship and hand skills development. Negosyo Centers The enactment of Republic Act No. 10644, also known as the Go Negosyo Act, fortified the policy of the State to foster national development, promote inclusive growth and reduce poverty by encouraging the development of MSMEs. This law provides for the establishment of Negosyo Centers under the supervision of the MSME Development Council, which shall encourage public-private partnerships in the establishment and management of said centers. As the core of DTI’s thrust towards promoting MSME growth and development, Negosyo Centers will be established in every province, city and municipality nationwide. It is targeted to bring closer the government services closer to where the MSMEs are located. The Negosyo Centers provide the following basic services: business registration assistance; business advisory services; business information and advocacy; and monitoring and evaluation of business-process improvement. As of December 2016, there are already 25 Negosyo Centers in the Region. Seventeen (17) more are targeted to be established for 2017. Trade Fair (Rimat Ti Amianan) The Rimat Ti Amianan (Treasures of the North) aims to promote the “best of the best” products of local entrepreneurs. It strengthens and develops MSMEs as they prepare to enter national and global market opportunities. The activity targets to sustain developmental and promotional activities. It is one of the many programs and services provided by DTI not only to develop local products of MSMEs but also to develop the industry clusters and intensify the culture of competitiveness in the Region. Industry Cluster Development The development and promotion of industry clusters are identified as a major strategy under the Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 in helping achieve its vision of a globally- competitive and innovative industry and services sector that contributes significantly to inclusive growth and employment generation. For Region 1, identified main Industry Clusters are: Cacao, Coffee, Fruits and Nuts, Wearables and Homestyles, Bamboo and Bangus. Cities and Municipalities Competitiveness Index CMCI is an annual ranking system developed by National Competitiveness Council (NCC) through the Regional Competitiveness Committess (RCCs). Its goal is to improve local competitiveness among cities and municipalities, thereby creating business friendly environment for investors. Based on the result of the CMCI 2016 ranking, the overall most competitive province in Region 1 is the province of La Union that also placed 10th in the national ranking. Other municipalities that made it to the Top 10 national ranking are LGUs from Ilocos Norte, Paoay (Top 2) and Pasuquin (Top 3) both under the Government Efficiency Category. Bottom-Up-Budgetting The BuB program is government’s approach on financial allocations. It provides opportunity for the beneficiaries from the grassroots levels to identify a certain project and its budget requirement. In Region 1, DTI already released a total of more than Php130 million worth of BuB funds to 67 Local Government Units. (Data as of December 2016) LIIC The LIIC is a document that articulates the local government investment policies and programs, Investments Priority Areas (IPAs) and local incentives (fiscal and non-fiscal) available to domestic and foreign investors, and the mechanics for availing them. As of December 31, 2016, with the assistance of DTI, a total of 100 LGUs (77%) out of 129 (including provincial LGU) have already enacted their LIICs) BPLS BPLS is the issuance of business permit by the local government units through the Mayor to business operators for them to operate legally. The streamlining of BPLS that started in 2010 in which DTI is very much involved (together with DILG) aimed to reconstruct the business permits and licensing system of LGUs for the purpose of simplifying and making them more efficient and business friendly. To date, the BPLS of all the 125 cities/municipalities in the region have been streamlined with several of them have been automated (eBPLS). Monitoring, evaluation and coaching have been continuously undertaken since 2012 when the roll out of the project to all LGUs was finished. With the new Joint Memorandum Circular issued jointly by DILG, DTI and DICT further simplifying BPLS, it is expected that a more sustained monitoring and evaluation as well as coaching will continue in 2017 and beyond. Diskwento Caravans DTI has been conducting several Diskwento Caravans for the past years to sell goods and commodities to consumers at discounted prices ranging from 10 – 30 percent. This program is a true display of public service. A result crafted in partnership with big manufacturers and distributors to help consumers get best value for their money as they cope with rising prices of basic goods and commodities. Types of Diskwento Caravans that are regularly conducted include Balik Eskwela, Noche Buena and Post-Disaster caravans. Bagwis Awards The “Bagwis” Seal of Excellence represents the business establishments’ utmost support to empower consumers. “Bagwis” is another Filipino term for wings or feather that symbolizes the commitment to nurture, guide and protect consumers. Moreover, the readiness to fly in open and competitive market and provide higher quality service. Awards are categorized into gold, silver and bronze. DTI Region 1 continue its efforts in empowering consumers and upholding the practice of good, honest and responsible business as it awarded anew 224 DTI-Certified Establishments (CE) or “Bagwis” Seal of Excellence Awards in the region for 2016: Pangasinan-129, La Union-42; Ilocos Sur-20; and Ilocos Norte-33. With 762 recognized consumer-friendly biz (2006-2016), DTI Region 1 ranked 1st in terms of having the most number of DTI Certified-Establishments (CE) nationwide. Consumer Education Empowering Consumers is one of the main thrust of DTI. Hence, consumer education and information drives are intensified to widen its reach. It aims to inform consumers on their basic rights based on RA 7394 or the Consumer Act of the Philippines. Price Monitoring/Updates (E-Presyo) DTI strengthened its campaign to champion consumers as it assures that they get the “best value” for their money when they buy basic goods and prime commodities. Through the E-Presyo consumers can check in the internet the Suggested Retail Prices (SRP) of the basic and prime commodities being sold at major markets and groceries located at different key areas in the four provinces of the region. Fair Trade Law Monitoring Market Monitoring and Enforcement activities are being conducted to safeguard the interest of consumers and maintain fair trade. This will ensure conformity of manufacturers, importers, traders, wholesalers, distributors on prescribe standards and fair trade laws.PRIVATE EMISSION TESTING CENTERS Emission Testing Centers are facilities for determining the level of motor vehicle emissions in conformity to the standards set by Republic Act 8749 otherwise known as Philippine Clean Air Act. Consumer Welfare Desk aims to forge efforts between the government and the private sector in the promotion of consumer welfare and develop self-policing mechanism and responsible entrepreneurship. It establishes procedures to systematically and appropriately address consumer complaints. Furthermore, it will provide easier access to government programs, new laws and policies and will serve as a multiplier for the government in providing services such as queries, complaints resolution without going through tedious litigation process. Consumer Organizations are accredited to ensure that the consumer sector is well represented by legitimate Consumer organizations in hearings and/or investigations, and in government policy making bodies. Consumer Organizations are grouped of consumers where membership is voluntary and whose primary objective is to protect consumers against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable trade act and practices and other acts or omissions prejudicial or detrimental to the interest of consumers. Accreditation assures the public that all rebuilt trucks are safe and roadworthy and meet the standards on exhaust emissions. It aims to promote, develop and professionalize the rebuilding centers, such that consumers are assured of reliable ethical and competent service in accordance with specified standards Sales Promotion means techniques intended for broad consumer participation which contain premises of gain such as prizes, in cash or kind, as reward for the purchase of a product, security, service, or winning in a contest which involved determination of winners. Issuance of Sales Promo permit are required to ensure fairness in the conduct of sales promotion, truth in claims, delivery of commitment and remedies for violation. The accreditation ensures that the firm has certain facilities and amenities actually available and in good working condition to provide services. S& Rs deals with motor vehicles, heavy equipments, electronics, electrical, air conditioning and refrigeration, office machine, data processing equipment and medical/dental equipments.