Philippine Halal Industry Development Strategic Plan

Philippine Halal Industry Development Strategic PlanThis Philippine Halal Industry Development Strategic Plan 2023-2028 built on the approved Philippine Halal Export Development and Promotion Board (Halal Board) roadmap in November 2017. This Plan is a result of a series of consultative meetings, workshops, and conferences, which took place between November 23, 2023, until January 10, 2024 Download continue reading : Philippine Halal Industry Development Strategic Plan

Regional Report on Needs and Gaps of Consumer Dispute Resolution in ASEAN

Regional Report on Needs and Gaps of Consumer Dispute Resolution in ASEAN“The Regional Report on Needs and Gaps of Consumer Dispute Resolution in ASEAN was developed with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and was published on 30 September 2023. This regional report aims to provide information and analysis as continue reading : Regional Report on Needs and Gaps of Consumer Dispute Resolution in ASEAN

ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Impact Assessment (CIA)

ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Impact Assessment (CIA)The ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Impact Assessment (CIA) were endorsed on January 2023 and were expected to support consumer protection authorities in ASEAN Member States (AMS) in systematically assessing the impacts of policies, laws, and/or regulations on consumers, their rights, and legitimate interests. This, in turn, would contribute to continue reading : ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Impact Assessment (CIA)

ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Protection in E-Commerce

ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Protection in E-CommerceThe ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Protection in E-Commerce (henceforth “Guidelines”) were developed by the ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection (ACCP), in consultation with the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on E-Commerce and Digital Economy (ACCED). In formulating the Guidelines, the prevalent context in the ASEAN Member States (AMS) as well as continue reading : ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Protection in E-Commerce

Philippine Rubber Roadmap 2023-2028

Philippine Rubber Roadmap 2023-2028The Philippine Rubber Industry Roadmap 2023-2028 is a result of various consultations and dialogues with the rubber industry stakeholders from the private and government sectors. This is a successor plan of the Philippine Rubber Industry Roadmap 2017-2022. Download Now!

ASEAN Guidelines on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

ASEAN Guidelines on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)In the face of the advancing digital economy, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) systems are gaining in importance around the world. This trend is underpinned by the demand to create cost-efficient and convenient mechanisms that employ digital technologies to expand and expedite consumer access to redress, particularly with respect to continue reading : ASEAN Guidelines on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Associations: Strengthening the Consumer Movement in ASEAN

ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Associations: Strengthening the Consumer Movement in ASEANThese Guidelines are a testament to the legitimacy and importance of consumer associations – and the consumer movement, more broadly – as an element of democratic societies and fair market economies. In accordance with the United Nations Guidelines on Consumer Protection (UNGCP), governments in ASEAN continue reading : ASEAN Guidelines on Consumer Associations: Strengthening the Consumer Movement in ASEAN

ASEAN Peer Review on Consumer Protection: The Philippines’ External Peer Review Report

ASEAN Peer Review on Consumer Protection: The Philippines’ External Peer Review ReportUnder the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan on Consumer Protection (ASAPCP) 2016- 2025, the ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection (ACCP) implements voluntary peer reviews as one of the contributions towards a common consumer protection framework. The Philippines, through the Department of Trade and Industry – continue reading : ASEAN Peer Review on Consumer Protection: The Philippines’ External Peer Review Report

Philippine Ethnic Pattern: A Design Sourcebook

Philippine Ethnic Pattern: A Design SourcebookIt documents the Philippine art motifs found in traditional arts and crafts that could serve as inspiration for new designs and product implementation. Download Now!Published: March 29, 2021