As part of the Collaborative Harnessing Assistance and Mentoring for SMEs (CHAMPS) Season 3 module, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Rizal conducted a webinar with the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS). The Multi-sectoral module entitled “Entering Government Contracts through PhilGEPS”, which was attended by the program beneficiaries and other invited entrepreneurs from continue reading : DTI Rizal holds CHAMPS webinar with PhilGEPS
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) – Rizal Provincial Office recently steered another free webinar featuring “Tourism Guidelines during COVID-19” as part of the CHAMPS Season 3 specialized-track modules. This was held on July 20, 2022, Wednesday via the Zoom application and Facebook Live. Ms. Sharon F. Dioco, DTI Rizal Business Development Division Chief, continue reading : DTI Rizal steers CHAMPS Season 3: Webinar on Tourism Guidelines during COVID-19
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Rizal Provincial Office continues to train micro and small business owners so that they can expand their operations and improve their products. The Collaborative Harnessing and Mentoring Program for Micro Entrepreneurs in Rizal (CHAMPS-Rizal) will equip entrepreneurs to participate in DTI’s flagship programs such as Kapatid Mentor ME continue reading : DTI Rizal conducts webinar on branding
In relation to the advocacy of DTI to embark on the MSE development and promotion in building and enabling business capacity as well as income opportunities, the DTI Rizal Provincial Office initiated to conduct a virtual orientation of mentoring and product development programs specifically Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP), Collaborative Harnessing and Mentoring Program for MSEs continue reading : DTI Rizal to roll out 4th virtual roadshow