in photo: DTI Quezon represented by Business Development Division Chief, Anna Marie V. Quincina; CMCI Focal Person, Ma. Angelica O. Holgado; and Negosyo Center Business Counselor Marianne Marie Adornado, together with LGU Lucban.

LUCBAN, QUEZON — The CMCI is an annual ranking of Philippine cities and municipalities in the country based on the overall competitiveness score of each participant. The CMCI Ranking is based on the five pillars of CMCI: Economic Dynamism, Government Efficiency, Infrastructure, Resiliency, and Innovation.

With the aim of helping local government units in Quezon Province improve their Cities and Municipalities Competitiveness Index (CMCI) performance ranking in terms of economic dynamism, government efficiency, infrastructure, resilience, and innovation for the 2023 CMCI Cycle, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Quezon Provincial Office, the Office of the Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator (OPPDC) Quezon, and Southern Luzon State University (SLSU) conducted a CMCI Coaching Session and Pre-Validation for the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Lucban on May 9, 2023, at the Municipal Bldg, Lucban, Quezon.

Ms. Ma. Antoniette C. Orijuela, OIC MPDC, gave a welcome message to start the session, and then the activity flow was briefly discussed by Ms. Emmanuel S. Querubin, Project Development Officer II of OPPDC Quezon.

Mr. Jed Frank S. Marqueses, Assistant Professor I of SLSU, presents the CMCI objectives and their use in the public, private, and academic sectors. He also discussed the competitiveness ranking of Lucban among the 1st to 2nd Class Municipalities Category in the province and the country. Lucban performs well in terms of resilience, according to the 2022 CMCI Ranking, but the municipality still needs to become more competitive in terms of economic dynamism, government efficiency, infrastructure, and innovation.

Ms. Orijuela then presented the CMCI Local Data Capture Sheet (LDCS) for Lucban. To improve their CMCI score, the data were reviewed and validated by the team from the OPPDC, DTI, and SLSU. And as for the recommendation, LGU Lucban was encouraged to create its Local Competitiveness Council (LCC) for comprehensive data gathering and assessment in the municipality.

The coaching session ended with a closing message from Ms. Anna Marie V. Quincina, Business Development Division Chief of DTI Quezon, in which she emphasized the significance of this coaching activity and how it helps identify areas that need improvement.

The activity was attended by LGU Lucban: Ma. Antoniette C. Orijuela, OIC MPDC; Ms. Sonia D. Abraham, MTO; Mr. Luis Mallari, RHU; Ms. Jameel Mykaela Bisayas, MDRRMO; Ms. Geronima A. Bustos, HRMO; and Mr. Jed Frank S. Marqueses, Assistant Professor I of SLSU, EnP. Monina L. Talaga, Project Development Officer IV of OPPDC Quezon; EnP Emmanuel S. Querubin, Project Development Officer II of OPPDC Quezon; Mr. Lay-Ar M. Baliza, Project Evaluation Officer I of OPPDC Quezon; DTI Quezon Business Development Division Chief, Anna Marie V. Quincina; DTI Quezon CMCI Focal Person, Ma. Angelica O. Holgado; and Negosyo Center Business Counselor Marianne Marie Adornado.

Date of Release: 18 May 2023