The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in Quezon, through Negosyo Center Macalelon, together with the Local Government Unit of Macalelon and Bureau of Internal Revenue RDO 061 South Quezon, organized and conducted a seminar entitled “Integrated Business Licensing and Basic Taxation.” It was held on 14 December 2021, at 9:00 a.m. in ABC Hall at Municipal Hall, Brgy. Rodriguez, Macalelon, Quezon.
The program started with an invocation and the singing of the National Anthem, followed by the welcome remarks of Municipal Councilor Hon. John Joseph Aquivido. It was followed by the overview of the program. The first topic of the seminar, the Business Name Registration, which was discussed by the Negosyo Center Business Counselor (BC) of Macalelon Regin Jianwy D. Balane. The second speaker was the Business Permit Licensing Officer (BPLO) of Macalelon, McDonald A. Enriquez. He discussed the “Ease of Doing Business Act,” the process of registration, and the necessary requirements for securing a business permit. The third speaker is from the Collection Section of RDO 061, Sheyne Maebelle S. Tolentino. She presented and discussed the registration process and the needed requirements for the BIR registration. RDO Carlos S. Salazar gave an inspirational message to the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Edwina Roma D. Inciong discussed the income tax.

In her closing remarks, Municipal Councilor Hon. Marlyn L. Itable, head of the trade and industry committee in the municipality, concluded the seminar.
The DTI, BPLO, and BIR continue their advocacies in helping MSMEs through programs and services. ♦
Date of Release: 27 December 2021