ANTIPOLO CITY — DTI Rizal through One Town, One Product Next Generation (OTOP NG) successfully conducted a two-day of ACT (Assessment, Consultation, and Triage) last Monday and Tuesday, June 26 & 27, 2023 at the Training Room of DTI Rizal Provincial Office, Antipolo City. This activity aims to capacitate and update competitive MSMEs enrolled in this year’s batch of OTOP NG with the current trends and designs that may help them be inspired as they thread their ways forward to producing an even more competitive products or services. This is also a great avenue in assessing the status of their products and services and find timely and applicable ways it can be improved with the help of able consultants. The group of 20 MSMEs qualified for this year’s batch were divided in two categories: Non-Food (June 26) and Food (June 27).
The first day for Non-Food Category started with a short prayer. Ms. Cleotilde M. Duran, OIC-Provincial Director of DTI Rizal, warmly welcomed the attendees and gave inspirational messages. Ms. Marissa C. Argente, OIC-Regional Director, also gave welcome messages and thanked the MSMEs for taking advantage the services the DTI is offering. She also challenged the attendees in taking and incorporating what the designer and other consultants would suggest for the improvement of their products and/or services. Loumarie Linglingay Galvan, Regional Trade Promotion Officer, also render inspiring message.
Ms. Sharon F. Dioco, Division Chief of Business Development, gave the rationale of the program and introduced the consultants. The MSMEs took turns in introducing themselves, their company as well as the products they produce or services they do. Mr. Ronald Rommel Viloria, Designer and Consultant, presented the current trends and updates from labelling to products to branding. Mr. Joel Caalaman, Intellectual Property Field Operations Specialist, discussed the importance and advantages of registering trademarks as part of intellectual property. The MSMEs then took turns in consulting Sir Rommel and Sir Joel.
The second day for Food Category commenced, also, with a prayer and with Ms. Duran and Ms. Dioco doing the preliminaries. After Mr. Viloria presented trends and updates for food industry, they proceeded with consultation. Mr. Viloria handled the overall design. Mr. Caalaman do the registrability of the trademarks while Ms. Christianne Enerio, a food technologist checked the contents and processes of producing such food products and made necessary recommendations. Ms. Duane Mariel Juares of DOST Rizal promoted and looked for possible intervention beneficiaries thru SET-UP or GIA programs. Trade and Industry Development Specialist, Noralyn SJ Halimao, managed the registration while Mr. Jerome M Montealegre and Mr. Paolo Garrovillas assisted in the proceedings. Ms. Jane Eleazar Pasion, OTOP NG Support Staff served as master of ceremonies. ♦
Date of Release: 30 June 2023