On 10 March 2022, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Quezon team, consisting of Shared Service Facilities (SSF) Provincial Coordinator Ma. Graciela C. Ledesma and SSF Support Staff Dara Jannes C. Obmerga, conducted an Orientation on Shar ed Service Facilities Program and Consumer Advocacy together with Consumer Protection Division OIC-Chief, Lani O. Constantino, to give important information on the SSF project and on consumer rights and responsibilities awareness for the Atimonan Coastal Food Producers Cooperative.

SSF Support Staff Obmerga started the program with an opening prayer, followed by Jester Querubin from Atimonan One Energy, who acknowledged the participants and guests of the said activity.
OIC-Division Chief Constantino then discussed consumer advocacy, where she taught the participants the rights and responsibilities of consumers and how to be vigilant in buying different products. She also discussed the Price Tag Law, the different agencies’ ability to tap into the prices of different commodities, the No Return, No Exchange Policy, and how to file a complaint about mediatable concerns.
SSF Provincial Coordinator Ledesma gave an overview of the SSF Project in Quezon Province, one of the flagship programs of DTI. She introduced the SSF Quezon Team headed by Provincial Director Julieta L. Tadiosa. She also discussed a list of the documentary requirements to be able to apply for the said project and its detailed process. SSF Provincial Coordinator Ledesma said that SSF aims to improve the productivity and efficiency of small enterprises through access to better technology.
After the discussion of the two topics, Cynthia N. Pardo, the External Affairs Manager of Atimonan One Energy, and Ms. Jennylen U. Garcia of the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist, delivered their messages of support and thanked DTI Quezon for sharing these important projects and advocacy.

In addition, the officers and members of the Atimonan Coastal Food Producers Cooperative asked some important questions about the said program. One of the participants commented, “Maganda po ang turo at maraming natutunan.” Afterward, Senior Business Counselor Lawrence Joseph Velasco gave his closing remarks and thanked the participants for attending the said orientation.
After the program, SSF Provincial Coordinator Ledesma conducted a site visit and evaluation of the fish processing facility of the cooperative with ACFPC Chairman Marites A. Atienza.♦
Date of Release: 22 April 2022